Chapter 24

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At some point in life, we get to two crossroads. One leads to happy town, where everything is all rainbows and sunshine, the other leads to messed-up-ville, where everything keeps getting messed up. You pack your bags from messed-up-ville and head to happy town only for you to sleep on the train, have happy dreams of your awesome life in happy town and then wake up in the train station because apparently, the dumb train broke down and never left!

That's how I felt.

Everything was going to be fine. Everything was going to be rainbows and sunshine but life obviously had some other plan for me.

The very fact that I was being portrayed as an attention seeking, boyfriend stealing, boy kissing, harlot crazed dancing drama queen by someone (who I am 100% sure is not normal on any grounds), was not helping matters.

(Wow,I knew a lot of adverbs, my English teacher would be proud)

I bursted through the front doors of the Dwayne residence and kept running.

Since confrontation and a makeup upgrade did not do the work, I did what I knew how to do best.

I ran away from the problem.

I kept running until an abandoned park came into view. I took off the heels from my now aching foot and walked to the park. I was tired. I was out of breath. I was angry.

I was hurt, beyond measure.

I arrived at the park and sat down on an old bench.

Most girls had done worse things than me but I make just one tiny slip up, or two, or three and boom! the whole world is made aware. Let me just emphasize on the fact that I did not do anything to deserve this, nothing.

Was it possible that Chase, Brittney and the others apologized to me and invited me to the party to see my reaction when they played the video?

How did they even take those videos? That was the big question here.

All of those things had Chase written all over them. The Harlequin video was taken by him, the day Shane came over, he was around, he was there at Brittney's party when I 'supposedly' kissed Tyler, he was the one that pinned me to the locker, he said that he stalked Jayden and I on our first date. He was behind it obviously and he hurt me where it hurts the most.

In public.

That shameless human!

"Why?????? What did I ever do to receive this type of punishment? What?!" I screamed to no one in particular, that was when I realized I was already crying.

I just wanted to come to a new town, probably make new friends, graduate and get into college. I didn't want any of this.

It made me so sad because all of this was because of something so trivial. Something so baseless. Something that stupid Brittney and her crew would just not let go.

"I didn't ask for any of this, none of it, none. I just wanted to have a normal life! Why? Why me??" I was already crying so hard that my head hurt.

"Rita?" A soft voice called my name and I looked up from my crying session.

I turned and I saw the last person I wanted to ever see.

Miss word on the street.

"What? Have you come to inquire a more detailed synopsis and plot for your huge new story?" I snapped and bowed my head, still sobbing.

She walked towards the bench and sat down beside me.

"Actually, no. I don't care about that right now. I actually wanted to know how you are feeling. If I was embarrassed that much, I would literally die if someone put it on her blog with over exaggerated details. I won't put any of this one my blog. I promise."

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