Chapter 34

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I loved the feel of a different fabric on my skin. Hospital clothes were so scratchy. Don't get me started on the thoughts of who wore them at what time, who puked on them or who bled on them. Disgusting!

I climbed unto my bed and sat up. I pulled the covers up to my waist and took the new novel my dad brought along with the change of clothes from the bedside table. Opening to the first page, the door of the hospital room opened. I closed the novel and raised my head up to see my visitor.

"Shh. They said she is asleep. No need to wake her." Chase exercised his manly authority over the people that were behind him. His back was turned to me, so he couldn't see that I was wide awake.

An almost white blonde haired head strained to look into the room and see for herself. Catching my eye, she rolled hers and pushed Chase through the door way.

"Mr macho, she is right here. Very awake, no need to be calm and silent." Brittney loudly declared and flung herself unto my bed.

"Ow!" I scrunched up my face as if I was in serious pain, even though Brittney only landed on soft foam.

"Wha.. I totally thought I landed on the bed. I'm sorry." She quickly got up and rubbed her right elbow with her left palm while looking at her shoes.

Concealing my smirk, I accepted her apology but Chase did not take it seriously.

"I told you not to make any noise! Now you went and flung yourself on her!" He hissed and walked past her to sit on the chair beside the bed.

"I'm here, and I brought drinks!" Jayden announced as he entered with two cans of malt.

"There are four of us. Oh! You are such a darling! You brought for the two girls!" Brittney smiled. She stood up and went to collect the drinks from Jayden but he moved them away from her reach.

"No no. One for Rita, the other for me. You two were to lazy to pick a drink, I figured you didn't want any." He smirked and handed one drink to me.

"Oh Jayden, that is so thoughtful of you, but I don't like malt." I gave him a sad smile.

Brittney, however, didn't waste any spare second to grab what was supposed to be my malt.

"Ha! After all your overzealous desire to quench Rita's thirst, she definitely turned you down. Guess what? I'm drinking it." She opened the malt and started gulping it immediately. Jayden just rolled his eyes.

"Well now that the children are done with their little drama, can the only adult here talk?" Chase asked, gesturing to Brittney and Jayden when he said children and pointing to himself when he said adult.

Brittney paused her malt gulping, looked at him from head to toe twice and hissed. Turning her attention to me she said,

"Rita honey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better than I did yesterday. I mean, I can laugh now without having a headache." I shrugged.

"That's just what I want to hear. So now can we talk about the real reason why we are here?" Brittney looked at the two boys and then sat on my bed.

"Brittney. I don't think you should bring it up too soon. Rita is just recovering." Chase rubbed the back of his neck with his palm and looked at his shoes.

"I agree with Chase. Brittney, let's talk about something else." Jayden nodded and pointed to Chase as he spoke.

"Well, even if we are not talking about it, I just want to clarify something though. We are making sure they rot in jail right?" She looked at each of us one by one, holding my gaze the longest.

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