Chapter 8 - We will see about that

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We all sit in silence after Farley explains what the letter says to Cameron and Kilorn. The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Kilorn is the first to speak.

"Were not going to accept it right? I mean, even though he knows where Maven is and we have no idea, we are still not accepting" his last words sound more like a statement, as if he cant believe we wont accept.

"I have not completely declined the idea Kilorn, but... we will need to speak with higher up. I cant make this call on my own" she responds, calm.

Im freaking out. "It could be a trap"

"Mare. Do you really think Cal would trap us and kill us all. Especially you. Be realistic" I sigh, who knows anymore what he is capable of.

"I think we should go" I turn to Cameron, surprised. She hates Cal and royals maybe more than I do. "What?" she says at all our expressions, all equally in shock at her words "He knows where Maven is. And I hate to say this but, he is right. He is not our greatest enemy at the moment. He doesn't kill or slave reds, he shelters them" Again my mouth is getting further and further towards the floor. Im shocked. "We need Maven dead. Everyone wants to cover it up, but we remember what the lake landers and Maven did to the red refugees 4 months ago". Silence fills the room. How could we forget. 4 months ago a party of reds were attempting to cross into the lakelands, to seek shelter. Maven and his princess, and many more brainwashed soldiers slaughtered everyone. Over 40 dead. Maven is our worst enemy.

"You're right" Farley acknowledges. I see her accepting the invitation already. "Ill go speak to the leaders. Get a decision right away" she stands and leaves the room.

"I agree with Cameron. We should accept" Kilorn speaks up. Cameron nods.

"I don't agree as much" I start to say but Cameron interrupts before I can finish.

"Maybe you are just biased because you don't want to have to see Cal and his new girlfriend. This isn't about you Mare." I glare at her. Half hating that its true. If we accept, that means we all have to go to court. That means 6 months not seeing him, will be broken. Considering the way we ended it, it scares me. That also means I have to go back to the hell hole. The place where my nightmares came true. The place I lost myself for so long. Court. I stand and start to leave the room. Needing a distraction I decide I will go for a run.

"Let me know what they decide" I call back to no one in particular, and leave the room.


When I get back from my run, Farley advises that they agree we should accept. The plans to attend the royal court are underway.

Farley drafts a letter to return to Cal. I catch a glimpse of it before its sent.

Dear Cal,

We accept your invitation.

Please advise your gate guards that Farley, Kilorn, Cameron and Mare will be attending this meeting. Accommodation is not an issue. We are happy with one room. We don't plan on staying long.

As per your initial letter, please release the reds before our arrival and we promise not to attack any more of your camps, homes or people. You have our word.

We will arrive next Tuesday, at Sunrise.

Until then,


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