Chapter 116 - Evangeline 5 Years Later

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Evangeline Flash-forward

3 Years Later

"Is that how it is really going to be?" I ask my mother, my hands across my chest. She hates it when I don't act like a lady and by crossing my hands I am defying her a little more. On purpose.

My mother scoffs, as if I am nothing, flicking her head to the side. "You choose a girl over your whole family, you conspire with reds, you ruin our legacy...your father would be ashamed of you" she says the last words to hurt me, but little does she know it holds no power. My father did what he did, and now he is dead because of it. Why should I suffer the same fate. Why can't I choose love

"I love her mother" I say, my hands tightening. I won't cry, I wont react. I need to be strong. I still have Tolly, even if she doesn't want me anymore.

"Well then" she says, the snakes coiling around her neck hissing at me "enjoy your pitiful life" she turns, but before she leaves she moves her head to the side, giving me one last look. "You are no longer my daughter..." she says, disappearing outside my door.

When she is gone, I finally let go of the wall. I have been arguing with her for so long, that I cant help when the tears rush. I fall to my knees, hating that even though she was never a mother to me...I still want a mother.

5 Years Later

It's winter, the lakes have frozen and everyone comes for the snow, the skiing. I love our home, and I catch myself thanking the heavens for coming here. I finally have a home, and a family. Elane...Tolly. They are all I need.

I put the letter Cal sent me into the folders on my desk. Since I take care of the lakelands for Cal, he sends me updates, requests and I do the same.

I have turned the lakelands into a winter wonderland and a summer haven when the seasons suit. This is now the holiday capital, and I love it. Everyday and night is a party, a new set of faces. I don't even mind the reds, although I think they still hate me. It doesn't even matter.

Tolly comes through the door, and I smell the alcohol immediately. Elane is holding him up, her face in a frown. This is the 3rd day he has come home drunk, before dinner. "What poor marriage have you ruined?" I joke. Elane looks at me, frowning. We are married now, and even though we didn't have a ceremony, and only had it officiated, she still is very serious when it comes to the topic.

"She was quite lovely" Tolly slurs. "Big..." he points to his chest but Elane interrupts.

"Yes we know your type Tolly" Elane scowls, dropping him onto the plush chair in my office.

I laugh and when Elane throws me another look, I stop, covering my mouth. Things have been tense since I told her I don't want children. She does, desperately, but as I pointed out, we cant have children. Besides, I couldn't imagine taking care of anyone other than myself, Elane and Tolly. Poor Cal and Mare. I don't know how they do it with 4 but ewww. No thanks. If only Tolly would settle down, then maybe have children and I could live vicariously through him. But no...he lives the bachelor life, and he likes it that way.

I think of Cal and Mare's kids, Coriane. She is a beauty, and I know she will be popular with the boys when she is older. She will also be the exact opposite of Mare. Where Mare is a tomboy, Coriane is almost too girly. Aria, the little one will probably be like Mare. Maxton is just a mini Cal, and I like the kid. He is fearless. Axel is wide eyed, smart little boy. The kids are not what you would expect from Cal and Mare, but somehow they are a family. I laugh to myself. What would our kids like. God help them if they have my temper. Hopefully they would have Elane's good nature. I know I don't have any of that.

Elane sits abruptly on my desk, breathing hard. "How much longer are we going to have to baby him Eve?" she asks. I can tell that is a serious question. I look at Tolly, who has passed out from alcohol. In a couple of hours he will be at it again, staying up until the morning, sleeping all day and then back out again. I shake my head, standing and taking her hand.

"Lets go for a walk" I say, pulling her out. We both put on coats and head outside for a quick walk.

"What am I supposed to do Elane?" I ask... "Abandon him?" she frowns, sighing.

"No...but he needs to take control of his life. And we need to take control of ours" she says, kicking snow.

"We have. We basically rule the lakelands. You have everything you could ever want. Were married and happy right?" when she doesn't answer, I ask again. "Right Elane?" she sighs, stopping to turn to me.

"I want kids Eve" she says. "I don't want to regret one day not having kids" I shake my head to argue but she stops me. "We can have someone carry a child or us...or we can.." I almost rip my skin off how tight I am balling my fist. Elane had the stupid idea of having our brother be the doner, which meant Elane and Tolly would have a child. She argued it would be basically like me, but I could not stand the thought. Even though there was technology to help make a child, I still did not want it that way. It would never be wholly mine. But I realise now, we would never have something wholly ours.

"No" I say, shaking my head. "I cant do that. I'm sorry Elane, I just can't" I begin to walk away, and she doesn't follow. I turn to her, asking if she is coming. She moves, grabbing my hand.

"One day...I will convince you one day" she says. We walk in silence...the only thing we say before the end of our walk is how we should visit Norta soon. Or send another puppy to the kids. They love the first one, they named her Lulu. Elane agreed, saying maybe we should get one too. I nodded, knowing it was just another hint she wanted something to look after.

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