Chapter 103 - 6 Months Later

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6 months later

"I can't fit anything" In frustration I rip off my shirt, which comes just above my growing belly. I can't wear my pants, my dresses, my shirts. My underwear doesn't even fit. My bras are the only thing that look good on me, because my chest is bigger. I can't believe how big my belly has gotten for 6 months. Cal is always ordering new clothes for me, custom made of course. I can't just pick up clothes in the square, because it has to be fit for a Queen. The materials and everything. I just want baggy clothes, that hide me.

Cal walks over to me from the balcony. He has been taking 5 minutes to himself every morning, to just appreciate the day more, whereas I am appreciating nothing. "What about the shirts I got you last month?" I stare at him, giving him a look as if to just did it. "They don't fit...awkward" he says. I roll my eyes, groaning in frustration. I open up my wardrobe and begin looking through my clothes.

"Doesn't fit. Nope. I wish. Nope. Arghh!" in frustration I grab all my clothes throwing them onto the floor. "I want to kill myself" I say, as I fall down to the floor. I can't help my hormones, as my tears start to fall. I am so angry, and I don't know why. I love being pregnant, I love my baby. I just have lost so much of myself. I cant run anymore, I can barely walk. Its more of a waddle. I look bloated, and my face is getting fat. Everyone treats me like I am so fragile. I love being pregnant...but I also miss being just Mare. What is wrong with me. I'm a horrible person and im going to be a disappointment of a mother.

Cal walks over to me and he gets onto the floor with me. He grabs my face in his hands, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I feel stupid, but he doesn't look at me like I am. He looks at me like he is proud of me, and he loves me and that makes me feel even worse. "I know" is all he says. When I start uncontrollably crying, he pulls me up and into his arms. I lay there, my head against his chest sobbing. He plays with my hair, but doesn't say anything. He just supports me like he has everyday this last 6 months. When I am finished, I move away, wiping my eyes.

"I hate myself" I say facing him, because I do. What sort of monster am I for being angry at clothes. Farley is such a happy pregnant lady, so calm and normal. I'm the devil. Poor Cal, having to deal with me. Cal shakes his head.

"Don't say're just overwhelmed. I think a little anxious too" I nod, but I don't believe it. I don't feel anxious, just angry and confused. Cal suddenly gets up, walking towards the door. That's it, I think to myself. I've done it this time...hes going to leave me. But he pops his head out of the door and I hear him tell the guard outside to leave us and tell Ryan I will be with Cal for the day. When he gets back inside, I cant hide the confusion on my face. "I'm taking the day off. I haven't spent the whole day with you in a long time...and that's my fault" I answer immediately.

"It's not your fault. Besides you can't just take a day off. You have so much to do...I'll be ok, I just had a moment" I speak fast, but he waves his hand off half way through me talking.

"This isn't up for discussion" he says, before walking over to the wardrobe. Im still on the floor in front of it. He picks through his side, grabbing a white t-shirt. He walks over to me and gets back down on the floor. He takes his shirt, and places it over my head. "Here...just wear my shirt and those shorts that still fit. Put some boots on too" I put my arms through and I can't help but smile. Cal smiles too, kisses me on my forehead and gets up to change into something simple too. Before I get off the floor, I can't help but think how lucky I am.



I grab Mare's hand, and walk towards the kitchen with her. When we get inside the cooks bow, the servers rush around clearing plates for us. "It's ok everyone. I just want to fill a basket with whatever we have"

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