Chapter 19 - Missing

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Chapter 19

At around lunch time, I go to look for the others. This morning when I went to check on Cameron, she threw a pillow at me and told me to go away. I laughed, and told her that alcohol was not her friend and I would tell her everything she did at lunch. She threw another pillow.

Kilorn was already up when I visited him. He told me all about his night with Maria, and if I didn't know better, I would say that they had something serious going on. Like maybe, to the point, of her having to come with us back to the Guard. He laughed when I said it, but I could see him contemplating what he would do. Was Kilorn in love. I was happy for him. At least he found an uncomplicated red girl. I am sure Cal would let her leave the castle and her position if we asked.

When I visited Farley this morning, she wasn't in her room. I figured she would be back at lunch, and that she probably went for a run. No doubt, feeling uncomfortable after being in a dress, and needing something normal to get her mind off of everything. Seeing Farley yesterday in her dress, made me think of everything she lost. I lost. My family lost. I shake the thought. I'm already emotional, now all I need is to think of my lost brother. When I visit her now, she is still not in her room. I knock a couple more times and nothing. I start to worry, so I decide to open the door, and see if everything is ok. When I open it, the first thing I see is her dress, strewn on the bed. Her heels are on the floor. Her bed is made, not even slept in. I push down the worry that starts to go through me. She is ok. Its Farley after all. I decide to wait a couple of more hours, in her room. She should be back any time.


Dinner comes and passes and Farley is no where in sight. Cameron and Kilorn have not seen her since last night, and we all start to get worried. We search the castle, the grounds. Maybe she got drunk and fell asleep outside. I shake off the thought knowing well that Farley would not do something like that.

I run to Cal's room, needing to speak to him. I need him to help me find Farley. This is unlike her. I barge into his room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Theresa demands. They are eating dinner together, and they have plenty of space, he has a dining table that can fit 12 people in his room. I rush past and put my hands on the opposite end of the table, facing Cal.

"Farley is missing" is all I say, staring at him. He puts down the piece of bread he had in his hand immediately and stands.

"What? How long?" he asks, seriously concerned. "You checked the castle?" I nod.

"Since last night. This is not like her Cal, you know that. And I know something is seriously wrong" I start pacing, thinking the worst. What if a silver hurt her, knew who she was and decided to get back at us.

"What does this have to do with us" Theresa says. I turn, my face a mask of anger. "Not a big loss" she says and I go for her. My body moving me forward before I realise what I am doing. Cal gets in the way, stopping me before I can rip her head off.

"Say another word and I will kill you" I say to her, dead serious. She blinks, and for a moment looks terrified.

"Theresa, get out" Cal says, calmly. She stares, her face going pale. "I need to speak to Mare and I don't want you here. Leave" I look at Cal then. The mask on his face gone, and the anger slowly creeping up. He hates the way Theresa speaks to me and he hates what she said about Farley. This is the Cal I know and love. The protector. He cares about us. All of us. She huffs and leaves, slamming the door behind her. She doesn't say anything of course. She knows better than to overstep more than she has.

"I'm serious Cal. This is not like her. I saw her last when I spoke to Evangeline..." I stop. If Evangeline did anything to her. An animal like sound leaves my voice as I push the chair in front of me. "I will kill her. I will kill her if she did anything. All of them!" I scream. I need to find Farley. I need to make sure Clara has a mother. She has lost enough already. This is all my fault. Cal takes my hands and pulls me forward, placing his hands around me, hugging me tight.

"Shh Mare, we will find her. I promise. Nothing has happened to her. We will find her" he keeps saying the words, and they start to calm me. He moves his body back, to look at me in the eyes. "I will get all my soldiers to look for her, go to your room and wait for me. I'll be there within the hour, and hopefully we have found her by then. Contact the Guard in the meantime and see if she returned to your base" I nod. He kisses my forehead, and I close my eyes. I feel safe for the moment. And I let him hold me, until I move myself back to my room, to wait for the longest hour of my life.


When I get to my room I pace, back and forth. I have Cameron and Kilorn contact the Guard. I wait for them to let me know what happens. In that instant I remember, Blackbird. I bet no one has checked Blackbird. Only Farley, Cameron and Kilorn know where we parked it. Maybe she is there. I don't wait to tell Cal, or Cameron and Kilorn. I leave my room, run towards the entrance of the castle.

"Miss, you can't leave the castle without telling me your name so I can let you back in" I run past the guard and hear him yell. "Miss!" I keep running and turn around enough to yell back.

"Mare Barrow". My legs move fast, hard. All the running I have done doesn't compare to how fast I am moving in this moment. I just need to see her face, there. I just need her to be ok. All the thoughts that run through my head. Seeing her body, lying in a pool of water. Face down, pale. Blood. All the worst things run through my mind while I run. No Mare. No. She is alive.

When I get to blackbird, I open up the cabin, rushing into the plane. The lights aren't on, nothing is working. Beside the door there is a switch. I turn it on, and the lights flicker until they are at a standstill. What I see in front of me doesn't register. It can't be. No. No. No. I must be dreaming.

Farley is there. She is looking at me. No blood on her. Nothing wrong. Her hair is still in a high pony tail, her hair sleek but slightly messy from the night before. She is wearing her normal gear. All black. Her makeup is still immaculate. She is smiling, a sad smile.

Next to her is someone I never thought I would see again. My brother. Shade

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