Chapter 52 - Attack

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Cal returns my grin, cracking his knuckles. He moves his head side to side, stretching. "You shouldn't have done that" he says, his eyes lighting up in mischief.

"Oh really. What exactly did I do?" I copy his stance and motions, ready for his attack.

"Fight dirty" he says slowly. I can see his eyes move slightly to my right, and I can see his mind figure out his moves. He wants to take me down, but I can see he is also considering using his fire. I make the decision for him, and throw a small amount of lightning his way. It crackles up my arm, and reaches him quickly. Cal dodges it, sensing my movement. His soldiers pull back, shocked and scared of my lightning. Cal wastes no time, sending fire my way. I have time to dodge it, but not without feeling the heat pass me.

"Is that all you got?" I ask him, letting the lightning crackle up my arms, heat rising in his. The soldiers are moving further and further, and I hear the lightning in the distance. It is growing and I feel the sudden urge to release it. Before I can, a burst of fire comes my way, and I don't have enough time to dodge it completely. It knocks me to the ground, and past the smoke, Cal is already on me. He pins me down, but I manage to free my arm enough to swing on him. He takes the blow, knocking him over to the other side. My movements are fast, as I swing over on him, landing another blow. Cal manages to kick me in the gut, and I fall back. We hear the soldiers pick sides, taking bets. Most girls would get angry at physical violence, or the fast that he kicked me, but Cal is a soldier. I need him to treat me the way any other enemy would. Only then can I learn to defend myself, and Cal is the best person to teach me. The strongest. I never would have thought I'd be close enough to have the King as my training partner. Or boyfriend for that matter.

We both get up, wiping the sweat and blood off us. Cal has some silver trickling down his lip. I am still not bleeding. He won't let it get that far. We exchange a couple more blows, Cal always one upping me. I use my lightning when he grabs a hold of me, and he instantly let's go, grinning and shaking his head at me. I have to fight dirty with him. It's the only way I can win.

Suddenly, a sound rings out loud. A mixture of bells and horns at the same time. A warning. My eyes immediately go to Cal, whose expression is one of disbelief... and anger.

"What is it Cal" I say, but the answer is yelled out by one of the nearby soldiers.

"Attack! We are under attack" I look at Cal, who is already directing his legion. I can't hear what they are saying, but all of a sudden, the soldiers start running, to the barracks. Weapons. They are going to get their weapons. I can see Cal wanting to follow them, but he runs to me instead, grabbing my arm by the elbow, pulling me towards him.

"Mare. Something is wrong. Someone is attacking us" When Cal says it, it makes me shiver. I see the fear in his eyes, the fact that people have probably died trying to stop them from entering the castle grounds.

"Shade" I breathe, remembering my family are probably unaware of what is happening. Oh god. Cal sees the shock and fear in my eyes. The castle is the first place they would be headed, and some may have gone around, found other ways to enter.

"Mare" Cal says but I don't listen. I take off into a sprint, my legs pushing me away from Cal. I have to make sure they are ok. I hear Cal chasing after me, and suddenly something hits me in the chest, knocking me to the ground. I look up, just as fire rushes past me and hits a soldier in the chest. The soldier is not ours. Lakelander. I can see by his colours. Another soldier approaches, but Cal throws another burst of fire towards him. I get up, running towards the first soldier, and my hands go around his neck. I send a bolt of lightning through his body, killing him instantly. Cal finishes off the second soldier, with a knife he had strapped to his boot. He always carries it. I look at Cal quickly, and he nods. Cal needs to be at the front lines, and I need to save my family. We take off, separate directions, and I cant help the guilt and worry I feel for Cal. I hope he is ok, and he survives. I don't know how many lakelanders are here, but we know that we have to do our part. Even if it is separately.

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