Chapter 26 - Ok

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After Cal leaves, I get dressed and leave my room to have breakfast with Farley, Shade, Kilorn and Cameron. We all sit in the dining hall and it feels nice to be able to have a meal together. Cal is training his soldiers, so he can't make it to breakfast but it gives us reds a chance to talk and discuss our own agenda. I don't want to keep anything from Cal but I do have to make sure what we came for is satisfied with the Scarlet Guard.

"Pass the pastry plate Mare" Kilorn says to me. I tap my stomach.

"You're getting a bit tubby bud. Maria been feeding you too much" everyone laughs and he goes a bright shade of red.

"Glad you noticed" he says. "Since you have been busy with Cal this whole time" he smiles back and it is my turn to go bright red. We give each other a knowing smile, acknowledging each others wittiness. After we finish eating, we move onto the topic of 'the plan' for First Friday.

"What did the Scarlet Guard say about the note?" I ask Farley and Shade. Apparently, my parents and brothers know about Shade. The first place he went after the attack was to make sure they were ok. Shade says that it was an emotional day, and I can imagine. My mother has not been dealing with it very well, she cries every spare moment over Gisa and Clara. I don't blame her. But I promise to make it all better. I'll make sure they are all together again. Even if I am not there with them.

"They don't know" Farley says. I stare at her, not believing what I am hearing. Shade and Farley look at each other, and Shade nods, as if to tell Farley to continue. "The Guard would not let you give yourself up, and well.."

"I have to" I finish for her. I am not offended by the fact that Farley and Shade would choose to save Gisa and Clara over me. They are innocent in all this. Besides it is my choice and I would have done the same. One life is not worth theirs. I am no ones chess piece in this war. I have been, but I refuse to be moved around without my own choice in the matter. "Its ok. This is what I have to do" I say, not looking at anyone.

"Mare, you don't have to do this if you don't want to" Shade looks at me with sad eyes. "There is another way. I will find one" I look at him, answering his question with a small smile. I shake my head slowly, telling him I don't want to hear it anymore. I know he loves me, and I can see his heart breaking at the thought of me giving myself up, but he knows I would do anything for my family, and I have already made up my mind. That's why I love Shade. Because he lets me be me.

I decide to let them know the plan, my plan. How it has to go down. I tell them that when the morning comes, Shade and I will go to meet Maven. Once I have Gisa and Clara with me, Shade is free to take them to safety. That will be my condition for Maven. Once they are safe, I want Shade to be able to send me a letter, to tell me they are ok, and back with the Guard. I will then stay with Maven, and not try to escape. Well at least for a little while. Not until I can kill him.


Cameron POV

Mare tells us her plan, and it is a good one, but it still feels wrong. Giving her up like that. The fact that she has to go with Maven and stay with him. She doesn't know when and how she can kill him, but she will have to find a way to. That's all she tells us. I look at Kilorn, and he has the same expression as Farley and Shade. They don't know about her plan after we get the girls back. And it scares them all. I am not going to lie, it scares me too. Mare seems like the type to sacrifice herself for the ones she loves, but doesn't care the effect it would have on them.

"And what are we supposed to do? Just sit and wait" Kilorn asks, the anger obvious. He doesn't want to lose his best friend.

"Yes" Mare says, simple and to the point.

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