Chapter 83 - Where are we all going

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Breakfast the night after our engagement dinner is awkward to say the least. My parents don't say anything, neither do my brothers. Surprisingly. They always have something to say.

Cal and I come into breakfast together, and I specifically sent word to Caleb to stay away for a while. Although Cal never said anything about him coming, I don't want any drama. Besides, I had the guard who sent the message tell me how bad Caleb was, and apparently his eye is swollen shut and he can't move. That is what he gets for trying to kiss me. He knows I am with Cal, and that it was my engagement dinner. I don't care how drunk he was, that was a line he never should have crossed.

My parents greet us and dad starts talking about the red movement slowing down. Cal is now the beloved King. Clara is starting to mouth words, so she is loud as can be. It breaks up the awkwardness, which is what we need.

"Clara, say Mare... Maaareee" I try my best but she has none of it. She dribbles and blows bubbles. Bree laughs at me.

"Clara. Say Breeeee" he says it in a high pitch voice which she just laughs at. I give him a death stare.

"Stop copying me Bree. Get your own baby" he smirks, because god knows if he has kids around. Both by brothers were popular with the ladies.

"You're first sis" he replies, and I can't help but blush. I see Cal straighten up, no doubt a little conscious about this conversation in front of my parents.

"Ca...Ca..Brrr Ca" Clara mumbles, and I laugh. Cal. Of all the names she will learn, no doubt his will be the first.

"Look at that" Cal says, smirking. "Seems I win" He looks proud.

"Your name has three letters Cal. Don't get too excited" I knock him down a peg and I smirk in triumph. Bree laughs too, and I want to hug him because he is the only one.

"Right...and that is so different from your four letter name" I go silent, while the whole table bursts into laughs at the way I got owned. I frown, picking at the eggs on my plate. Stupid Cal for his quick wit. I'm usually the one who outwits him. Not this time.

Suddenly my eyes catch a glimpse of someone entering the dining hall. Caleb. Only his face is not bruised and he is walking just fine. I get up instantly, my chair screeching as it slides against the wooden floors.

"What the hell are you doing here" I don't ask it as a question, more as a statement. The venom in my words is obvious to anyone. Cal grabs my hand, pulling me down. I look down at him in shock. Why the hell is he pulling me down.

"I told him to be here" Cal says, and it is my turn to be rendered speechless. Why the hell would he do that? Why the hell is Caleb's face healed.

"Wha...Why would you let this leach anywhere near us?" I ask Cal. I can see that my comment hurt Caleb by the way his jaw tenses and he closes his fist.

"Sit Mare. Please" Cal says, pulling me down once more. I stare at Caleb for a good minute before I finally take a seat. If Cal wants him here, there has to be a reason. I hope it is to knock some more sense into him.

Caleb sits near my mother, and she smiles politely. I wish she would scold him, but she doesn't. "Why isn't your face black and blue?" Cameron asks, and I am glad she has. I wondered the same thing. She takes a bite of a bacon piece she holds in her hand. She eyes him intently.

"Cal sent a healer this morning before he told me to come to breakfast" Caleb answers, not touching his food. I stare at Cal.

"You did what?" Cal doesn't answer, he simply continues eating. He looks unaffected, which is worse. I want him to be as angry as I am, but he seems...content. "You should consider yourself lucky, because I would have left you to suffer" I say to Caleb.

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