Chapter 64 - Family Portrait

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I arrive at the Scarlet Guard's base and am greeted by my brothers. Bree takes me into a massive bear hug, his muscles nearly cutting off my air supply. Tramy does the same, telling me that he missed me so much. I tell them the same. I also tease them for eating all of the Guard's food. They are big boys, tall, muscly and tanned from no doubt being outside all the time. Shade is last to greet me, as he takes me into a hug and whispers 'Welcome home'. I close my eyes, home. I don't know where that is anymore, but I know it is not here. Not with the Scarlet Guard. It is and always will be with Cal and wherever my family are. Right now, everyone is scattered, and so is my heart.

"How is everything back at the castle?" Shade asks. I nod.

"Good. Cal says hi" I try to keep my voice light. Happy, so they don't notice. He nods.

"I miss that guy" Shade says, and I am taken aback by it. So are Tramy and Bree.

"I miss him. Oh how my heart beats for you dear Cal" Tramy mocks. Bree laughs, punching Tramy on the arm in agreeance. "Since when were you and Calore close? You never mentioned that?" Shade rolls his eyes. I do to, at the name Calore. You can hear in the way he says it that they are not quite on the same page as Shade.

"Leave him alone and be useful" I say, pointing towards my bags. "I want to see mom and dad" Shade nods, motioning for me to walk with him. I do. Tramy and Bree follow. We talk about what has been happening. We talk about how Clara is getting cuter and smarter by the day. She is attached to Shade and dad. That explains why she loves Cal too. Farley is good too, but apparently Shade has not been seeing much of her. She is always busy with the Guard, and usually only stops by for dinner before going back. I can hear in Shade's voice that it annoys him. Cameron is training along with Gisa, Kilorn and Maria. They are learning how to fight and protect themselves. I am glad to hear it all. Dad and Mom are good too. Dad is walking everyday and Mom is annoying Dad as usual. I laugh at that. Julien and Sara are here too, training the new bloods and keeping busy. I nod along, only interrupting when we reach the quarters where my family is staying.

"I want to be briefed after I see everyone" Shade nods.

"That was the Guard's plan anyway. Farley told me to bring you by when you are done saying hello" Shade opens the door to the large family room. The first person I see is Dad, sitting and watching a small black and white screen. He is clicking and looking at photos and words. He looks up when he hears us and the biggest smiles paint both of our faces. I run to him, and he is quite quick himself so we reach each other in an instant.

"Dad" I breathe into him. He kisses the top of my head, hugging me tight.

"My Mare" he says, breathing into my hair. "I have missed you" he says, and I nod, agreeing with him.

"Mare" I look up to see my mother holding linens. She throws them down instantly, running over to me. "Mare, you are back" she says as she takes me in her arms. She hugs tight, and she smells like roses. I inhale the smell, and she takes my hands in her soft hands. "Sit. I will make you something to eat"

"It's ok Mom. I need to..." she cuts me off.

"Non-sense. You can eat with your family before you go to speak with the Guard. We haven't done this in a while" She turns to Shade. "Call everyone together within the hour, I will have everything ready" She turns to Bree and Tramy. "Get another table and more chairs" she directs them as she heads off into the direction of the kitchen. It is a large set up, and from the look of it, everyone gets their own room and a family room. The Guard have set themselves up well. It seems their resources have flourished. I don't know where their finances have come from, but from the looks of it, they have someone powerful on their side.

My mother directs me to my room, as Bree places my bags down. She tells me to go and freshen up, shower and change and get ready for dinner. I agree, because I need a couple of moments for myself. Shade comes in shortly after, handing me a letter and a book and pen.

"It's from Cal" my heart drops. "You can write your reply in the book and I will have them send it to him. Make sure he knows you are safe" I hold the letter, clutching it tight.

"Ok" is all I say. Shade leaves me be, closing the door behind him. Although I said goodbye to Cal a couple of hours ago, we left it on a bad note. And now, I feel odd. I open the letter, reading it to myself.


I just wanted to make sure you arrived safe with the Guard. You don't have to reply, just have someone tell me you are safe.

I have envoys from the silver elite coming in the next few days to discuss various matters. The Samos family have sent resources to the Guard to ensure they have enough weapons for the war. We are also having more metals shipped to the castle for my men. I am hoping our front grows stronger, so that we are prepared for the next attack. Or our attack. I don't know which will come first.

I don't want you to worry about what is happening here. I have it all under control. Just promise me you will take care of yourself. Give my regards to your family and give Clara a hug for me. I miss her.

I miss you too Mare. Even though it has been only a short time, I can't help but hate the way we left it. Just know that I love you.




I open the letter that one of my guards brought over to me. It's the evening now, so it has been a couple of hours since I sent my letter to her. I can't help but feel nervous at its contents. Will she tell me to leave her alone, stop writing. I don't know. We didn't exactly leave on a good note.


Thank you for your letter. I am glad to hear we are on track. I noticed the Guard has better resources so I am guessing that was your doing. Especially, since you say the Samos' are sending metals for weapons. Thank you.

I know we left us on a bad note. I just don't want to argue anymore. This is for the best. For now.

It doesn't mean I wont come back. It doesn't mean I don't love you. I do. I love you and when this is all over, maybe we will have our happy ending, with less arguments and more living. But for now, we must be apart.

Please take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid. I know you want to dive head first into this war, but I don't want you fighting it without me. Be safe.

Love from your future wife.

I put the letter down and breathe a sigh of relief, and I can't help the grin that overtakes my whole face. Wife. That was all I needed to hear.

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