Chapter 29 - The End

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After 5 minutes, I realise exactly what I am doing. Pushing him away, trying to stop him from getting hurt, but I am just making it worse. I am hurting him by not making him feel like I want to stay, want to come back. I get off the table, my legs a little shaky. I walk towards the door, needing to hold onto something. The healers worked their magic, but I still feel a little lightheaded. I struggle to get my body out the door, to find Cal. I start walking through the hallway, holding onto the wall for support. Cal, I need to find him. To tell him I am sorry, and that I love him, and that I took the ring off because I am stupid and stubborn.

"Mare" I look up and focus straight ahead. Cal. I walk towards him, still holding onto the wall for support. He reaches me in what seems like a moment, takes off his shirt and puts it on me. I didn't even realise I was still in my bra. He lifts me into his arms. I rest my head against his bare shoulder, feeling the warmth while he starts walking somewhere. I have no energy to lift my head and see where he is taking me.

"I am coming back" I say quietly, a tear falling onto his shoulder. I want him to know that.

"What?" he says, confused.

"You said I am planning on not coming back" I say as I lift my head to look at him "You said I don't want to fight my way out. That's not true" I see his eyes flicker, with something I cant quite put my finger on. Relief? "I am coming back" I repeat, like a prayer.

We get to my room, and he opens the door with his hand, while then pushing it open with his leg. I can just imagine what it must look like to see the King, shirtless, carrying a red girl. His father would roll around in his grave, and Elara would have a fit. It makes me smile. Cal is the ruler they could never be. He kicks the door shut and walks me over to my bed, slowly placing me down. My arms still hold onto his shoulders, wrapping around his neck. He tries to get out of my grasp, to get up, but I wrap my arms tighter around him. "Cal" I say. He looks down at me, and I realise how hard this must be for him. Seeing me self destruct, and not being able to do anything about it. "Please say something" I whisper. I feel tense under his gaze, not knowing what he is thinking.

"I have to go and check on my soldiers. And I have a broadcast this evening with Theresa that I have to prepare for" he says, unwrapping my arms from his shoulders. It feels like a kick in the gut. The rejection. He is upset and angry with me and I may not be able to fix this so easily. He walks towards the door, already leaving. I wrap my head with things I should say, what can I do to fix this. I just want him to stay. I get up slowly, taking off my shirt to give it back to him. It's not right for him to have to walk around the castle without a shirt. The questions or knowing looks are not what he needs right now. Not in this angry state.

"Cal" I say, and he turns. I muster enough energy to get up and throw the shirt in his direction. He catches it, and eyes me before putting it on.

"Thanks" he grumbles, not sounding very thankful. I hate this side of him. I hate when we are angry at each other. Two days is all I have left, tomorrow no doubt wasted on waiting and going over the plan. Saying my goodbyes.

"Are you really going to be like this?" I ask. He turns suddenly, his eyes a deep shade of red. Anger.

"I'll treat you the way you treat me" he says, his eyes blazing "Disposable" I step back, hurt by his words. He leaves, picking the ring up as he goes. He slams the door, not looking back.

Somewhere in the distance, I hear lightning rumble.

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