Chapter 77 - King of two

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I hate this. I haven't spoken to Mare since I left the Guard, and she hasn't returned my letters. We are heading into the war, and I didn't even get to say goodbye. Just in case. In case I don't make it out.

"Cal, the plane is ready. Last of the troops are heading out with you. You need to be on this one" One of my Generals lets me know what I already did. I need to leave the castle, and make our way to the Lakeland frontlines. We set them up a week back, the moment I returned I started to send troops to set up a base. Now we are nearly ready. Ready to attack.

I know Iris has begun shielding her castle with her soldiers, so it is now a waiting game. Waiting for me to arrive, waiting for the day both sides go to war. I just wish I spoke to Mare before this. I was wrong to leave without making sure she was ok. I was wrong to be angry at her. I know she did what she thought was right. I shouldn't have overreacted.

I make my way to the plane, and it is jam packed. Soldiers everywhere. My men, all going to war for me. I push my way through, as they all pat me on the back, pumping themselves up. I hear them say my name, because that is what I told them to do. Don't call me 'your majesty' when we are fighting, call me Cal. I want them to see me as a General, their commander but also their comrade. Someone willing to die and fight with them.

If I die today, at least I will die with respect. Not alone.


Iris POV

My castle is surrounded, by Lakelanders, laying down their lives to protect my home. I stand on the edge of the castle walls, watching out into the distance. There is smoke coming from the far trees, and I know that is where the Nortan's have set up camp. They are there, waiting, most probably for Cal to arrive to push them forward. Push them into my territory, my home. They want to take over, but I refuse to let them. I refuse to let them take over the only thing I have left. I lost my family and there is no way I am losing my home.

This war will not end with the crows picking my dead flesh. It will end with Cal lying dead in a field, surrounded by his men.



"Forward!" I yell, my throat raw. "Move! Forward!" I yell again, running with my men. I have on my full gear, military fighting gear with armour. It is heavy, but I don't feel it anymore, the adrenaline is enough to make me forget about everything. All I need to think about now is winning this war. I have a sword in my hand, and another blade strapped to my hip. My boots push me forward until I collide with the first body.

My sword connects with flesh, pushing itself in until I hear the crunch and scape. I know it is lethal, but I don't think about it. I just pull the sword out, and push the dead soldier aside. I run forward, swinging my sword as it connects with another soldier, slicing the dead away.

My father taught me a long time ago not to see these men as men, but to see them as the enemy. Something that needed to be taken care of without emotion or humanity. In war, I don't see anything but the stain of blood on my blade, and the yells of pain from the men I kill. I don't use my fire unless I need to. There is something about burning a man alive that stays with you. The screams, the bubbling of skin and smell. It is not something I like doing, or using. I opt for the sword instead.

"Don't break the wall!" one of the Generals from the Lakelanders side yells. I can see he is a General by his badges, the fact his uniform is different to the rest. He also fights sharper, neater. He is a born and bred soldier. It makes my next point of attack easier. I go for him and I see him register who I am. I see his eyes, ready and looking for where to attack me back. Killing a King is a big accomplishment, and privilege. I can see that he is already imagining himself as the hero. The one who fought this war, and won it for the Lakelanders. I make sure to never give him that satisfaction.

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