Chapter 90 - I now pronounce you

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Mare POV

"Wake up, wake up! Rise and shine!" I jump out of bed, fully alert because of the yelling.

"What the hell" I mumble, not understanding who is making all this noise this early. I look up to see Evangeline standing over my bed, with Gisa and Cameron next to her. All three girls have their hair and makeup done already. This sends me into panic. "Oh my god, what time is it?" I jump out of bed, in just Cal's t-shirt and my underwear. Lucky the shirt is big and long. Their expressions turn into smirks. I look down. "What, this is always what I wear to sleep" I say frowning.

"But let me guess, without underwear" Evangeline says, smirking still. I flip her the bird.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask her, because I just realised I haven't seen her since the execution and she is here. For the wedding. What the hell.

"Nice to see you too" she says. I frown.

"It is nice to see you... I just wasn't expecting you" I don't want to add because Cal and I had your father killed, but it lingers around us.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world" she says, eyeing my outfit still.

"Why, because you wouldn't miss me humiliating myself somehow today. Oh god, what if I fall" she laughs to herself.

"That and..." she purses her lips. "You really don't know why this is a big deal, do you?" she says and by my response of a blank stare she continues. "Cal is the first King in history to wed a red girl. You will be the first Red Queen ever. Did you forget". Wow, come to think of it, I didn't see it that way. I knew I was the first red to fall in love with a King, but I completely forgot that like Evangeline said, I would be the first in history to become a Queen. Royalty. The thought scares me. The responsibility and expectations that come with it.

"Don't listen to her" Cameron says. She whispers to Evangeline "You're scaring her".

"I'm not scared!" I say a little too loudly. "I...I just want to do right by Cal" Something changes in Evangeline's expression, and I see a look of sincerity, something I never see unless she is talking to her brother or Elane and that makes her naturally genuine.

"You will Mare" she says, smiling. "Just show up. That is all he wants" I frown.

"Does Cal really think she wouldn't go through with it?" Gisa asks. That is the first thing she has said, and I can see her worrying about it. I want to know the answer too.

"Yes. But only because he feels guilty for not preparing you more. He thinks you will freak and run" I shake my head.

"I would never" I say. Evangeline smiles.

"I know, I told him that. But he still has his moments where he isn't the King Mare. He is a guy after all"

I get up and rush to the door. "Ahh Mare" Cameron says. I only then realise I was about to run out of the castle in just a t-shirt.

"Oh right" I say, grabbing some shorts from my wardrobe.

"You're not supposed to see him!" Gisa shouts, panicking.

"I won't see him, I just need to speak to him" I say, rushing out the door.

I hear the blame game start as Evangeline gets the worst of it from Cameron and Gisa. But I don't have time to think, as my feet rush me to Cal's room, to tell him everything I should have said days ago.


A sudden knock at the door takes me from my conversation. Mare's father, Kilorn and her brothers are here with me, getting ready. If getting ready means taking shots of whiskey, then we are doing well to prepare.

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