Chapter 112 - Cameron - Cal - Mare - 5 Years Later

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4 Years Later – Cameron

I throw the candle straight at his head. He ducks, coming back up with a cool look on his face. "You done?" he asks. I shake my head, picking up the vase next to my bedside.

"Not by a long shot" I say, throwing the vase at him. He dodges it without hesitation or effort which makes me even angrier. I turn to pick something else up, anything to be able to get this anger and frustration out, but before I can I feel his hands around my forearms, pulling me to look at him. I try to move out of his grip, but he holds me steady.

"Calm down Cam...please" he says, his voice low and strained. He is trying his best to keep his temper in check too, but I can't help how angry Iam. 6 months. He is leaving me for 6 months. When I see Cal I am going to give him a piece of my mind.

"How can I calm down" I yell, pulling and tugging at my wrists trying to get through. He shakes me again. "You expect me to be ok with you going to Irinia for 6 months, and then the front line after that" I shake my head, dubious with what he just told me.

"It's only 6 months, and then" I cut him off.

"And then what Henry...I just wait until the war is over or wait for you to come home in a body bag" I pull my hands out and he lets them go this time. "I'm coming with you or you are not going at all" I say, placing some sort of finality in my voice. He shakes his head, tensing his jaw. In these stoic moments, when he looks more like the Prince he was, I realise he will never let me go with him. The pride he has for his position, how far he has come with Cal and what he is yet to do to seek some sort of redemption he has been chasing for years...makes him...someone I can't sway my way. He stares at me, his eyes speaking to me where words fail him. He takes a step back, taking a deep breath before he speaks.

"For years, I have tried to seek forgiveness for all the wrong I did. I managed to go from a Prince to nothing. I managed to climb my way back to General. Cal is giving me a chance to be a Captain, of my own people" he catches himself... "of Irinian's, my blood people. Cal trusts me when I say I can win the war against Venda and I know I am the best person to lead our soldiers. I know the land, I know the people. I know the history Cameron" he sighs, nodding to himself. "I know it's a long time, but the Prince in me can't let innocent Irinian's die...for the sake of being with you" I step back, hurt by the words. For the sake of being with me. I'm not enough to make him stay. He steps forward, seeing my expression. I'm no longer angry, but...hurt. Deeply hurt by his words.

"So what you just want to throw away 3 years" I say, my voice cracking towards the end. He reaches for me, placing his hands on my cheeks.

"No. No Cam, I don't want that. I want you to stay here, safe and wait for me" I laugh, genuinely shocked by his words.

"Wait for you?" I say quietly, testing the words. "Wait for a man who says I'm not worth staying for" he shakes his head, but I turn my face. He pulls me back.

"Wait for me, for 6 months, so that I can win this war...and then I'll come back and never leave again" I can't help a tear that escapes. I've been with this man three years, watched him grow, had good and bad he wants to leave and nothing I say will make him stay. I can see it in his eyes, he has already made his decision. A decision which he forgets may get him killed.

I pull out of his grasp on my face, moving two deliberate steps back. "You need to leave...and don't come back" he goes to say something, but I hold a hand up. "It's has to be".


Mare POV

Cal and I are in a meeting with our advisors, ready to discuss the war with Venda. It seems every Kingdom Cal has claimed, has another Kingdom as the neighbour, just ready to take over. These years have told me that there is nothing stable about ruling a Kingdom, especially when so many people want power.

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