Chapter 93 - I am the Red Queen

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"So... I just have to stand there? I don't have to say anything?" I ask Cal again. He nods, grinning. He has told me a million times, but I keep asking. I'm worried about ruining this.

"Just walk, stand, listen and say what the Archbishop tells you to say" he replies. I nod, but keep pacing the room. I'm wearing my coronation dress, but my crown has been taken to the dais so that when I make my way up, it's there waiting. My dress has been changed in the last week. Cal wanted it red and gold. Its long, with lace sleeves and has a train that is 2 metres long. It's so regal, I almost can't believe it. My hair is up, in a large bun with a couple of strands loose to frame my face. I have to have it up, because that is the royal way. Besides, it was styled this way for the crown.

"Ok" I nod, watching Cal. He looks so good, in his black suit and armour. His hair is done, his beard stubble is gone. He is wearing his coat which is red and heavy. He also has his sword on him. This is what Kings wear when they are entertaining court, or attending coronations. Anything important or televised and he is meant to look the part. He holds himself well and it reminds me of the first time I saw him with his family, when I was serving the silvers. I couldn't believe I didn't realise the way he held himself showed who he really was. I wasn't paying attention.

Cal gives me a kiss before he leaves. He tells me he will be waiting for me near the altar and to not be nervous. I nod and agree. When Cal is gone I pace the room, talking to myself. I am so nervous. This is it! This is the day I become Queen.


Cameron POV

The choir is singing an anthem that is sung during coronations. The words are soft and I almost get lost in the song, but Mare catches my attention. The doors open, and she stands there looking better than I ever thought possible. Her dress is red and gold, and its obvious the statement the dress makes. She walks through the great hall, her eyes never leaving Cal and steps up onto the dais. Her throne is adorned with beautiful roses, and it is next to Cal's which is slightly larger than hers. Cal is standing on the dais with his crown and King get up. He looks so proud.

Mare kneels on the faldstool set for her before the Archbishop. Although the Nortan's are not as religious anymore, there is an old religion they follow and this is their process for coronations. The Lord Chancellor and other silver Lords are present next to Cal. They are all dressed in their finest clothes too. The Archbishop's voice booms through the hall.

"Sirs, I here present unto you, Queen Mare, your undoubted Queen by marriage. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service, Are you willing to do the same?" The room suddenly shifts into loud acclamations.

"God save the Queen!" they yell.

"Madam, is your Majesty willing to take the Oath?" the Archbishop asks Mare. I don't see her face, but I hear her answer.

"I am willing" she says.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Norta and the Lakelands and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

"I solemnly promise so to do" Mare answers, sounding rehearsed.

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will" she says again. There are a few more words, and then Mare has to sign the Oath. She is presented with a Sword and from where I am sitting I can see the red rubies imbedded into the handle. I see Cal smile and wink at Mare when she notices. Mare places the sword in front of her, laying flat. Everyone suddenly stands, and I follow embarrassed that I didn't know I was supposed to.

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