Chapter 74 - What my father wants

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My eyes barely adjust to the light when I open them. I'm in a white room, cold and clinical. I try to move my head, but its stiff. How long have I been out?

"Mare? Darling?" a voice asks. I turn slightly, seeing my mother's concerned eyes. She rises from the chair she has been sleeping in, and I can see blankets and pillows that have been slept on.

"What are you..." my voice cracks. Hoarse and dry.

"Don't move darling, I'll get you some water" my mother rushes out the door. It gives me a chance to look around, at the hospital room I am staying in. I only notice the needle sticking out of my arm, giving me some liquid that looks like water. How long have I been out? I'm starting to get worried.

The door opens again, but it isn't my mom. Its Caleb. He looks shy as he comes in, like he doesn't know if it is his place to be here. "Hi sleepy head" he says, and I can't help but smile. Smile to cover the disappointment I feel that Cal isn't here.

"How long have I been out?" my voice is weak. Caleb comes closer, running his hand across the bed sheets.

"2 days" he says and I shake my head. Great. 2 days. What has happened since then. Who has been supporting Cal. I know it must be tough for him. Losing his brother. Needing to go back to being King. Me being in a mini coma. Why can't we ever have a simple life. "He is ok Mare" Caleb says, and I am surprised by the anger in his voice. He knows who I am thinking about, most worried about. "He was here this morning" he also says, and that makes me feel better. I was worried he would never talk to me again after I lied to him and killed his brother. Especially when we said we wouldn't lie to each other anymore.

"Are you ok?" I notice a massive cut just above his eye and a bruise under his jaw. "What happened?" He laughs to himself, looking down and shaking his head.

"Best you don't know" he says. I bite my lip but give him a look. Telling him with my eyes that he has to tell me. He caves. "Cal carried you all the way to the plane, but we were attacked when we got there, and we got into it with the lakelanders. Nothing we couldn't handle" he winks, and I groan.

"That doesn't make me feel better" I say, hating the fact they could have gotten hurt. Worse than they were.


Caleb POV

It hurts me to see her like this, with the machines keeping her healthy. But we don't have healers here, and it is the best they can do for the time being. Cal sent for a healer, but Mare's father said no. He said that his daughter needs to feel her pain, her injuries, so that she is more careful next time. I was surprised by that, but we didn't argue. As much as I saw Cal wanting to.

When we got to the plane, we were attacked. We had to leave Mare on the ground, bleeding to death. That is why she took so long to wake up and start healing. When we got into the plane, the pilot was killed, so I had to hold Mare while Cal flew us back to base. He was not happy about that. About the fact I had to hold her, hold her wound, and keep her alive. I didn't care, because I just wanted her safe and to be ok.

"Can we take this thing out? I need to get up" she goes for the needle in her arm, and I have to grab her hand to stop her. We freeze, looking at each other for a long time. I don't move my hand from hers. She looks pale, and tired. It almost breaks me.

"You need to rest, and get better" she wants to say something, but I move my hand to her face, my thumb rubbing her cheek. She doesn't stop me, and she doesn't tell me to move, so I don't.

"I hate feeling helpless Caleb. I hate being useless" she says, closing her eyes. When she opens them, they are bright and she looks as though she is trying not to cry. That is something I noticed about Mare, she doesn't want to be weak, or seem weak. But deep down, she needs to know that is ok. We are all human and so is she.

"You are not useless. You are human" I say, needing her to understand. I bend down, wanting to kiss her, but I think better of it, and kiss the top of her head instead. I kiss it for a long time, and when I pull back she looks confused by my gesture. I am too.

Why have I got a connection with this girl? I shouldn't want to, but I do. Why do I want to protect her, and console her. I haven't felt this way for a long time. About anyone.

Before I do something I will regret, I decide to leave. Because my father would not approve of me falling for the muse. For the one thing we need to win this war. I need to be a General above everything else. So I leave, and I don't look back, even though all I want to do is stay.

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