♡ One ♡

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The sun was rising up slowly that morning. The college kids all slowly got up for lectures that they were scheduled for, jobs they had to go to, or just for a morning run. Amongst the college students waking up was Beca Mitchell. Beca's alarm that sat on the end table started off right at 7 am. She groaned and smacked it three times until it shut off. Today was the first official day of full classes. Beca was a junior in college so this routine was normal. She got up and instantly got dressed first. Black skinny jeans, her black boots that gave her a couple inches, and a red hoodie. It was fall so it was a bit chilly out during the days now. Beca loved it though. She loved when it was crisp outside like it was.

After getting dressed and straightening her hair. The girl walked out of her bedroom and into the small apartment she was sharing. She had to share with a roommate even if it was an apartment. Beca hated the idea of it due to always having to share with someone in college. But this one was even more annoying.

"Oi! Morning!" The Australian yelled. Beca sighed as she entered the kitchen to make coffee.

"Hi" Beca simply said as she turned the coffee maker on.

"My friend is coming to pick me up today. I told her she can come in to meet you" Amy said and Beca turned.

"I have to get to the radio station-"

"Please! One minute. She won't want to talk long" Amy said.

"Maybe some other day. Jeez, you act like you want me to meet the love of my life" Beca rolled her eyes and raised the cup to her pink lips.

"Chloe? With you? You're dreaming" Amy laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Beca asked a bit of hatred in her tone of voice.

"Well for one, she's not your type-"

"How do you know my type? You've known me for like three days" Beca cut her off. Something Amy was already annoyed with.

"As I was saying. She is uh....preppy! That's the word! Preppy! Very hyper and girly. You're done dark, edgy, not hyper" Amy said.

"Yeah well..." Beca said annoyed the girl nailed her type. Beca hated the idea of being with someone who was hyper. She hated having her roommate talking nonstop. Couldn't imagine dating someone who wouldn't shut the fuck up. "Anyway, I have to go. Have a nice day" Beca said as she grabbed her bag. With that, she took her coffee cup and bag; then left.


Chloe cheerfully woke up that morning. The sun shining in the room as the birds sang. Chloe loved life to no end. She was always happy. She had the Barden Bella's which were basically her family. She goes to college and shares an apartment with the girl she grew up with. She was happy.

"Morning!" Chloe cheerfully smiled to the blonde as she walked out of her room.

"Hey weirdo" Aubrey smiled. Aubrey was more relaxed when it was just them. She wouldn't be as uptight. The blonde put the two fresh made chocolate chip pancakes on a plate; then on the table. "Here's your breakfast" Aubrey said as Chloe sat. Truth is, Aubrey looked after Chloe like her own baby sister. Chloe had an awful childhood, so, growing up she depended on Aubrey. Aubrey never minded though. She actually enjoyed having that affect in Chloe's life. It made her feel important. Some people say Chloe followed Aubrey like a lost puppy, but that's because she is lost. Even if they're in their senior year of college and adults. Chloe Beale still was lost.

"They smell great. Thanks Aubrey" Chloe smiled as she ate more of the pancakes.

"I'll see you at auditions tonight. Please don't be late like last year-"

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