♡ Twenty ♡

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It took all of about twenty minutes until they started to lower Chloe down. The girl became more visible slowly, but surely. Beca was against the wall across from the elevator; watching as the fire fighters were getting ready to help her crawl out. Soon enough, Chloe was ready to crawl out. Beca saw the girls body tense up when she went to.


"Hang on!" Beca yelled and put her bag down on the floor. Shoving her way through the fire fighters even as they were telling her to back away. Beca knew Chloe hated heights. Even if it was just a couple feet.

"Wow you look like shit-"

"Not now!" Chloe yelled. She usually loved going back and forth with Beca. It was something she just learned to love.

"Miss, we have to-"

"I got it" Beca said. "Okay, it's not that far as you think. Go with your back facing us so you don't look down completely" Beca said. Chloe nodded; turning around. The redhead shut her eyes tightly. She was way too terrified to open them as she backed out of the elevator. "Slowly" The brunette added so Chloe would feel better. Beca watched Chloe with all of her attention. Something the girl always struggled with was paying attention to one thing and one thing only, but this was different.

Chloe stuck her feet out first. Beca stood on her tippy toes and grabbed her ankles. Slowly, Chloe crawled down; Beca's hands grabbing up her leg with each inch she crawled. Beca got to Chloe's waist. Butterflies hit her stomach inexplicably. She loved holding the girls hips. It made her feel something more. Something more then happy.

"I can't!" Chloe yelled now looking down at the drop to the oblivion of darkness. Chloe had a fear of heights. She always had. Also she had a fear of dying, but doesn't everyone? Looking down, she saw the pitch black drop. That was an idea of torture to Chloe. Her hands gripped at whatever she could. The heart that was already beating fast started to beat faster. This was probably one of the most scary things Chloe had ever done.

"You can Chloe. I got you" Beca said softly; the girl then wrapped her arms around Chloe's waist tightly. She was scared as well. Of course Beca did not want Chloe to drop into that oblivion. It would kill her to be without Chloe. The idea of it made Beca want to just kill someone. She's had never had a friendship like that.

"Now what?" Chloe sniffled; still trying not to look down. It was probably dumb that Chloe kept looking down, but she couldn't help herself. It was a reminder what could happen. Beca did give her some sort of comfort though. If Beca wasn't there helping her, Chloe would still be in the elevator.


"Drop" Beca cut the fire fighter off. The fire fighter looked offended to no end that Beca was taking over. It wasn't her job to yet Beca felt it was.


"Trust me" Beca said; cutting Chloe off quickly. She knew if Chloe kept questioning what Beca was telling her to do, they would never get out of here. It took a minute, but Chloe trusted Beca. The redhead knew Beca would never put her in harms way. She trusted Beca. Something Chloe has never really done. The girl always relied on Aubrey, but that took awhile itself. Chloe seemed like this outgoing, never afraid, easy trusting girl. But the truth was, she was not. She really wasn't. She shut her eyes, took a deep breath, then dropped to the floor.
Her feet hit the floor; Beca's arms were a bit tighter around Chloe's torso. She pulled Chloe away from the edge of the elevator. Her heart beating a million miles per second. Both girls were silent until maintenance started to talk to the security; breaking the silence. Beca slowly let go of Chloe, but Chloe turned quickly.

"Beca" Chloe whispered. The girl wanted to make sure it was really the brunette. She wrapped her arms around Beca's torso; Beca wrapped her arms around Chloe's neck. Chloe was still shaking from the fear of the height she just dropped from. Also the fear of never getting out of the elevator. She stuffed her face in Beca's neck; taking in the scent that some how soothed her. Neither girls realized how long they were hugging for until the security asked them to 'take it some place else'.
Beca nodded and reluctantly let go of Chloe. She lead Chloe to the wall where Beca's bag was sitting against. Both were pretty silent; shaken up from the recent event.

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