♡ Twenty-five ♡

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"You're burning it" Chloe nudged Beca who seemed a bit out of it. The brunette was staring into the fire as the held the stick in her right hand. On the other end of the slick stick was a marshmallow slowly starting to catch flames on it.

"Beca?" Chloe asked the girls name. The ginger was trying to snap Beca out of the staring trance she was in.

Beca was completely engulfed in the sight of the red and orange flames; deep in her thoughts. She had brushed lips with Chloe so many times in the last 24 hours. They had shared continuous flirtatious looks between them both. It was cute to Beca. Chloe would look over and when Beca caught her; she would look around like nothing was happening. Beca knew though that the girl had been giving her a flirtatious stare. How she knew was because for one; Beca was going to stare right back at her. Secondly; Chloe was giving her a lip bite. Beca had learned what that lip bite meant and it always made her face flush a deep red when she was given it.

Why she was thinking of all the small things was because there were butterflies in her stomach with each memory of it. It made her lips tingle at the thought of them against Chloe's lips. No, she can't think those thoughts right now. Chloe isn't even gay! Bisexual? No, she's straighter then a stick. If Chloe was anything near gay that meant Beca's gay-dar was way off. But thing is, Beca had her gay-dat always correct.

"Beca, your marshmallow literally shrunk to nothing" Chloe said and grabbed the stick from Beca. The brunette quickly snapped out of her thoughts and laughed her silence off.

"Sorry, zoned out" Beca said as she watched Chloe blow out the small fire on her stick.

"I could tell" Chloe giggled. The ginger swiftly shook the now very small burnt marshmallow off after she had just blew the fire off it. Beca watched her every move as she reached into the plastic bag of white marshmallows; grabbing one out and sticking it onto the end of the stick.

"Here you go!" Chloe smiled and Beca took the stick from her that had the brand new marshmallow on it.

"Thanks" Beca smiled a small smile as if she was trying to act like everything was fine.

"What's on your mind Becs' ?" Chloe asked.

"Oh nothing" Beca looked away from staring at Chloe to put her marshmallow back above the fire a bit; not directly in it. She learned to never stick her marshmallow into the fire. Her sister always did that and it always burned in two seconds. The girl learned to eventually like it burned, but Beca remembered all the times she would eat it for her so she didn't have to. No doubt remembering all of the small memories with her family made her upset. The girl never was a fan of her parents due to the constant fighting. That being said, she was close with her older brother and younger sister. Especially her younger sister though she was close with. What sucked more is that Beca couldn't just call her up. Her sister went off the grid basically and got into drug dealing. For all Beca knew the girl could be locked up in a prison cell. At the same time, Beca knew she was too smart and always out smarted everything and everyone. Something Beca always envied.

Her older brother on the other hand was actually in the service. He was serving in the military and is never home. He's always stationed somewhere. Sure Beca got the occasional call or holiday/birthday card. But he always was busy. Beca envied that as well. She never had the guts to do what he does.

But then, her thoughts went back to the ginger sitting next to her. Beca wasn't feeling that usual empty space in her with Chloe. Chloe for some reason was like the missing Lego piece to her. The brunette was no doubt terrified by it, but she loved it as well.

"Beca!" Chloe yelled causing Beca to jump. As she jumped in her seat from the girl scaring her; the stick fell out of her hand and into the fire.

"What?!" Beca yelled back. She then took a deep sigh watching the once in her hand stick and marshmallow burn away.

"You zoned out again, are you okay?" Chloe asked now a bit concerned. At first the redhead was just giggly about it.

She thought it was typical Beca spacing out to adventure her own little world in her mind. Chloe always wanted to know what was in that world. What Beca would think about or imagine in her mind. The biggest question in Chloe's mind about Beca's little world in her mind was if she was in it. Did Beca think as much about her as she thought about the small brunette? No, she's probably thinking about her mixes and such. Why would anyone think about the ginger? She was always so loud and bubbly.

"I'm fine Chlo' "

"You promise?"

"I promise"

"Look at me when you say that"

"Look at you when I say what?"

"That you promise me that you are okay" Chloe said.

Beca's head turned to her right as she looked into Chloe's blue eyes that had part of the fire pits reflection off of them. She felt her heart pick up a bit as her own blue eyes moved down to the pink lips that had the fire lighting them. It felt like something kept pushing them together slowly.

Chloe's eyes wandered down to Beca's lips; instantly noticing Beca's eyes did the same to her own. The ginger couldn't believe Beca was looking at her own lips. Beca's tongue slipped between her upper and bottom lip like she was thristy for something. Chloe couldn't take it anymore. She had to, she just had to do something. Inches apart; slowly getting closer and closer. Both girls breathing pattern became more rapid.


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