♡ Twenty-Eight ♡

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The girls were walking in a group down the road again. This time not worrying about it getting darker. The Bella's all seperated into two groups yet again. This time staying with the bus was Lily, Aubrey, Chloe, and Stacie. Going out to find help was Beca, Cynthia-Rose, Jessica, Amy and Ashley.

"So what happened between you and Beca?" Cynthia-Rose asked; nudging Beca.

"Why do you guys think that?" Beca asked.

"I didn't say anything!" Amy defended herself as she played with a stick that she had picked up off the side of the road.

"But you were thinking it!" Beca turned to face her as she pointed her pointed finger at Amy.

"Maybe..." Amy mumbled. Jessica chuckled a bit as she crossed her arms; looking down.

"What are you thinking Jessica?" Ashley asked.

"I'm thinking we are never going to find help" Jessica sighed.

"Don't think like that!" Amy scolded and poked her with the stick.

"Well we've been walking for almost two hours!" She yelled out into the sky.

"I'm fucking aware" Beca mumbled as she looked down at the road beneath her feet. Chloe still lingering on her mind. All she wanted was to be back with her, but it was Aubrey's idea to have Chloe with her. Of course Chloe wouldn't argue with Aubrey at all.

"I gotta pee" Ashley sighed.

"We can pop a squat" Amy suggested.

"What the hell is that?" Cynthia-Rose asked causing Amy to Beca to let out a soft chuckle. "Well, what?"

"You girls seriously don't know?" The blonde Australian asked with her eyebrows raised a bit.

"No" Ashley, Jessica, and Cynthia-Rose all said in unison.

"You know what it is?" Cynthia-Rose asked Beca.

"Oh yeah, I learned it as a kid-"

"Stop keeping me waiting to know what it is!" Jessica yelled out.

"Okay! Okay!" Amy laughed; her hands flying around a bit. "So basically it's where you go really anywhere, pull your pants down, squat, and-"

"Oh my god!" Cynthia-Rose laughed.

"You're kidding?!" Ashley asked.

"Jesus Amy!" Jessica exclaimed.

"It's true! Right Beca?" Amy asked.

"Look!" Beca yelled and pointed across the street; completely ignoring Amy. She pointed across the street to a  small mechanic shop that had one truck outside of it.

"I hope this isn't some murder shit-"

"Don't think like that Amy" Ashley said.

"She's got a point" Cynthia-Rose mumbled with a small snicker. It was things like that in horror movies that would lead to a murder or let alone a kidnapping. "But let's go over anyway"

"Beca never-"

"Not now Amy!" Beca yelled as they walked across the street to the mechanic shop.


Chloe sat on the log of wood; staring into the fire pit that was engulfed in flames. Aubrey sat next to her talking about some story of the time her father and her went to go golfing. It bored the hell out of the girls, well at least Chloe. The ginger wanted to know what Beca was doing and where she was. But, no cell phone service at all seemed to be around to be found. So there she sat with her cheek resting on her hand.

"Right Chloe?" Aubrey asked and nudged her shoulder slightly causing Chloe to snap out of the trance she was in.

"W-What?" Chloe asked with a small stutter since she just snapped out of her deep trance.

"You remember going golfing with my dad and I" Aubrey said in a tone that was sort of like Aubrey saying "You're fucking kidding me?"

"Oh! Yeah, yeah totally" Chloe said and looked away from the blonde to the other girls. "Yeah, totally aca-boring" Chloe chuckled as she rolled her eyes; faking it till she could possibly make it.

But, then Chloe just snapped back into the trance she was once just in before being snapped out of it. Her eyes gluing back to the orange and red flames in front of her that kept them warm. It wasn't too cold out, but the wind was a bit harsh against her skin. Of course she wished Beca was there to hold her tight and keep her warm, but she wasn't. It was really all thanks to Aubrey that it was like that. Chloe wanted to go with Beca, but Aubrey insisted on her staying with her. Of course Chloe didn't want to argue her because if she did, it would be a fight. That being said, Chloe never wanted to fight with her best friend. But at the same time, she wanted to be around Beca as much as she could.


The door swung open and the strong smell of gasoline and old rustic cars hit their noses. Beca was the one walking in first to the empty waiting room that looked old. It had old plastic blue chairs facing each other. They were in rows that each end had a table of magazines on it. The radio played a country station in the background on a old boombox. The light that hung above the front desk on the ceiling made a weird buzzing noise as it had bugs on it. On the desk was an old Dell desktop which seemed to be from the early 2000's. Behind the desk were a ton of tools and books. The floors were a bit dirty with mainly dirt from boots.

Nobody seemed to be around until a power tool kicked on to their left in the garage. Amy stood on her tippy toes to look into the window that had a person welding on an old corvette.

"Someone is here" Amy confirmed.

"No shit" Beca muttered and walked to the garage door. She opened it slightly; peeking her head in. "I don't want to scare the person"

"Just go in" Amy said.

"I'll go with you" Cynthia-Rose said and followed Beca into the garage.
The power tool kicked off and that's when the girls took their chance to walk over.

"Excuse me-"

"Holy shit!" A girl yelled and got up quickly. She peeled the welding mask off and was breathing heavily. "Who are you?!" She asked.

"Hey! I'm sorry-" Beca started.

"You should be!"

"Whoa, alright man. We're just looking for some help with our bus-"

"Who even told you to come in here?!"

"Your sign says open!" Beca yelled back now getting a bit pissed off.

"But not come in-"

"Hey!" Some guy yelled and walked over. He wore a mechanic's suit that said "Richard" on it. He was wiping his hands off with a greasy washcloth.
"Who are these-"

"They just fucking barged in here-"

"We didn't mean to-"

"Alright!" The guy yelled. "Alicia, please continue with your work and I'll take these two to the front desk" He said. Beca and Cynthia-Rose both nodded and followed him to the front desk of the building.

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