♡ Twenty-Three ♡

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"Where the hell are we?" Aubrey yelled as they all stumbled out of the gas station that was sat what felt like in the middle of no where. Aubrey looked at the map they had just picked up from the gas station; Stacie looking right behind her shoulder.

"Uh...seems like we took a wrong turn" Stacie said earning glares from the other ladies around her.

"No, really? We're lost, but thank you Stacie for observing-"

"Alright!" Aubrey cut Cynthia-Rose off. All girls obviously were stressed. They were standing next to a beaten old run down gas station in the middle of the woods it felt like. Lily wondered around; making weapons out of everything in her mind. Cynthia-Rose and Aubrey were trying to figure out the map. Jessica and Ashley went off to use the bathroom. Finally Amy was just eating a candy bar from the gas station. It was like the Australian wasn't really all that worried about being lost.

"Amy! Can't you help us?" Aubrey asked and Amy snapped out of her singing to herself concert trance.

"Yeah! Sure! What's up?" The girl asked walking over and looking at the map.

"Uh, we are lost?" Cynthia-Rose said. A look on her face that was questioning if the Australian blonde standing directly across from her was stupid or not.

"It's all apart of the adeventure-"

"Oh god" Aubrey laughed cutting her off. "There's no adventure, Amy. This was supposed to be an annual trip to Regionals but instead you fucked it up!" Aubrey accused. Her finger pointing right into the girls shoulder.

"Whoa, okay-"

"No Cynthia! I'm sick of it, she's always the one who's happy while we have to stress-"

"Hey! I'm stressed too alright? I've walked alot and that's alot of cardio!" Amy defended herself. Aubrey just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"What's the real reason?" Aubrey asked.

"What?" Amy returned the answer as a question.

"The real reason you're not taking this whole we are lost seriously!"

"Well, because I'm with my family alright? You girls are my family and I don't care where I am or the situation as long as I have all of you!" Amy yelled.

"You mean that?" Stacie asked walking up. Amy just nodded in return.

"Yeah! I do! Don't you aca-bitches feel the same?" Amy asked. Aubrey sighed and nodded.

"Yes, Amy. You know I do. I'm just stressed" The blonde that was holding the map nodded.

"I do love all of you but I want to see your blood and devour it like my uncle did with my nephew" Lily whispered which caused all girls to be silent. Jessica and Ashley came back which quickly all girls turned attention towards them.

"I love you guys!" Stacie yelled as they all engulfed into one big group hug.

"And I just know no matter what life gives us we will get through it together!" Aubrey said and all girls agreed.

"That being said, I broke down the bus on purpose!" Amy laughed.


The fire snapped and crackled as it went up in flames. Chloe looked around up at the trees and the sky that was now a purple as the sun was setting down. The redhead bit her lip; feeling a bit worried that the other girls had not returned yet.

"You alright Chlo' ?" The brunette that was sitting on the log asked. She looked up and rested her head on her hand.

"No, why?" The redhead asked.

"You've been pacing around looking up at the sky for the last half an hour" Beca said earning a glare from the red haired girl.

"Why do you always point stuff out?" She asked and crossed her arms. Her pacing stopped as she stood across from Beca on the other side of the fire place.

"What's going on?" Beca ignored Chloe's question.

"The girls, they aren't back yet and its almost dark" Chloe sighed. Her hands were now placed on her hips as she felt her anxiety raise a bit more. She loved her girls so much. The fact that they could be in danger was just driving her up a wall. Sure, she loved the alone time with Beca. But at the same she was always just worried when people wouldn't answer her calls or texts.

"I bet they're okay Chlo', they're probably getting us a camp site" Beca shrugged. The brunette wasn't really thinking into it. She loved the fact that she was finally having some alone time with Chloe. The two had been sharing flirtatious actions and words for the couple days. It was more intense then it had been. Beca wanted to get to the bottom of why that was happening.

"Chloe, just sit and calm down. You being all worked up is not going to help magically bring them back to us" Beca chuckled and Chloe rolled her eyes.

"How are you not worried? We are out here alone-"

"Because I'm with you. If I'm with you, I feel okay" Beca admitted. Chloe was shocked. That wasn't like the girl to confess her feelings that easily. For Beca though, it was difficult. That took about ten minutes of preparing herself to say those words.

Chloe smiled softly and walked over. She sat down next to Beca; resting her head on the brunette haired girl's shoulder. Both of the girls watched the fire; talking about whatever would come across their minds. Chloe felt better ever since Beca said those words to her. It made her feel like she was needed for once. She never felt that anymore.

"Do you ever feel not needed?" Chloe asked.

"Where'd that come from?" Beca chuckled a bit as she snapped a stick she had picked up.

"I don't ever feel that" Chloe confessed. She had never told anyone before that. Not even Aubrey.

"Oh...why?" The brunette asked.

"I don't know. Aubrey is in charge, I don't make decisions you know-"

"But you do"

"But I don't"

"You got me on the team Chloe, that's something Aubrey never wanted" Beca said causing Chloe to chuckle. The redhead lifted her head so she was eye level with the brunette.

"It is, she never wanted me there. But look where I am now" Beca whispered.

"Best decision I made" Chloe whispered. Both of their lips were inches apart, but then one of the wood logs in the fire fell causing both of their attention to move over to that.

"We should-"

"Yep I'm on it" Beca said and quickly got up. Both girls shocked at what had just happened between them.

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