♡ Fourty-Two ♡

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"Just stop complaining and hold my damn hand, Beca" Chloe snapped as they were walking off the plane.

"Fucks sake" Beca muttered as she fixed the bag that was on her shoulder; slipping her hand into Chloe's.

Both of the girl's were tired and cranky. They had an overnight flight which neither slept on because a kid kept kicking Beca's seat and Chloe had to hold Beca back from killing the kid. That being said, both were dealing with each other in that moment.

This wasn't a first time that they had to deal with one another's strong attitudes. It was something they had to learn to deal with. They would snap at one another a lot while still wanting to be with one another.

"Those parents need to teach that little brat some manners" Beca muttered.

"Yes, babe. You have said that many times, babe" Chloe sighed as they walked down the hall to join the rest of the busy airport.

"Well it's true!" Beca fussed.

"When we get back to the house we can go to bed-"

"It's almost eight in the morning, Chloe. The other girls are going to be arriving and you damn well know they're going to be pestering us" Beca grumbled.

She loved all her weirdoes, she really did. But running on no sleep and sore back was not a good time to catch up on everything they missed over the summer. Not to mention the only person she could deal with right now was Chloe.

"Well they will be because they missed us" Chloe tried to stay positive and get her miserable girlfriend out of this busy airport. "And we should be happy to have such amazing friends like that" She added.

"I have you, isn't that enough?" Beca's voice was soft and Chloe felt her heart melt.

She stopped them from walking before they went onto the escalator. Chloe turned to look at Beca; giving her a tired soft smile. Her girlfriend looked so adorable in her comfy outfit that she wore on flights. Grey sweatpants, Chloe's Barden University sweater, her hair was tied up in a messy bun and her eyes looked as tired as ever.

Chloe just wondered how she got so lucky in this world. Millions and millions of people, and she got Beca Mitchell. One of the most stubborn and 'badass' girls she had ever met. Beca was never the type to be all soft and romantic. But, for some reason she was with Chloe and only her.

So just hearing those words fall from her mouth. Especially when Beca was in the mood she was in. No sleep from an uncomfortable plane seat on an overnight flight. Chloe undoubtfully looked like shit herself. Yet, Beca still said something like that.

"I love you" Chloe said for the first time.

Sure, maybe this wasn't the best time to choose to say this. She probably had said it before, but they probably were in the moment of almost making love to one another or they were drunk. This time, both knew it was different.

They both looked and sounded like shit. Their attitudes were horrible, but yet all Chloe could think to say was to let the girl know she loved her. Their hands still tangled together as Beca's annoyed face turned to something else. Something Chloe couldn't read.

"You do?" Beca whispered.

"Yeah" Chloe grinned.

Beca looked down to her outfit; seeing how she knew that she looked like shit and was thinking about the amount of attitude she had given her girlfriend throughout the flight and after. It was no shock that Beca could be the biggest bitch ever. And she had been these last few hours. Not intentionally, but she still now was feeling guilty for aiming it at the older girl.

The brunette looked back up to see the girl smiling at her. The world moved around them, but they were both frozen in the middle of this busy airport. The redhead to others maybe looked like shit, but Beca still thought she was the most gorgeous girl ever.

She thought back to how Chloe dealt with her being a bitch. How Chloe always made sure to stay at least a little positive in the most shittiest situations. So many people in this world could have Chloe. She was the golden girl that the world would want. Yet, she chose Beca.

"I love you too.." Beca whispered with a smile.

"You do?" Chloe repeated the question Beca just asked causing Beca to chuckle.

"Yeah, I do" Beca nodded and leaned up to Chloe; pressing her lips against Chloe's lips. "What made you say that?" She asked when they pulled apart to go over to the escalator.

"Because," Chloe wrapped an arm around Beca's back; resting on her hip. "You are probably in the worst ever mood right now-"

"I am" Beca confirmed with a chuckle as she played with Chloe's hair between her fingers.

"But you said that. It's gotta show for something that this is it" Chloe whispered before they got off the escalator and headed for the doors.

"This is what?" Beca asked.

"Us. We are meant to be together" Chloe sighed of relief as she shared her thoughts with the woman.

"You think that?" Beca asked; stopping them before going over to their Uber.

"I know it" Chloe smiled; leaving a kiss on Beca's cheek before walking over to the Uber.

They both got in after putting their bags in the back. Chloe was talking to the Uber driver as he pulled off onto the highway that would lead them to Barden University.

Beca sat in the middle seat so she was right next to Chloe who sat on the left side. The brunette rested her head on the red head's shoulder; knowing they had an hour drive ahead of them. She had slipped her earbuds in; playing some random playlist Chloe made.

Chloe knew that Beca would be falling asleep in this car ride. So of course she volunteered herself silently to talk to the Uber driver. Of course she would love to fall asleep on Beca's shoulder, but Beca falling asleep on her own shoulder felt easier at that moment. Also, Chloe wouldn't want to put the Uber driver in a place where Beca was talking. The brunette could be a handful.

The older girl rested her head against Beca's. Her hand placed on Beca's inner thigh; slowly drawing random figures against her sweatpants texture. It seemed to have calmed Beca down as Chloe recognized the breathing pattern to the woman falling asleep.

Now all Chloe had to worry about was getting settled back into college and facing Aubrey Posen once more. At least now though she had the woman she fell in love with beside her.

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