♡ Seven ♡

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Chloe: Morning!

Beca: Ugh

Chloe: Oh cheer up! It is so nice out today!

Beca: Chloe, I have not even gotten out of under this blanket

Chloe: What? You have a segment in an hour. I wanted to go get coffee

Beca: How about, you bring me coffee?

Chloe: Are you seriously going to be that lazy, Mitchell?

Beca: Mmmmhm

Chloe: Fine. Be over in 10.

Beca: Thank youu, iced coffe with cream and sugar please. I will pay you for it.

Chloe: K

Beca: K?

Chloe: K

Beca: What is "k" supposed to mean?

Chloe: Google it

Beca: Ha, funny

Chloe: K

Beca: Stop doing that

Chloe: K

Beca: Chloe

Chloe: K

Beca: Fine! I will meet you at the coffee shop in 20!

Chloe: Yay! See you there

Beca groaned and rolled herself out of the queen size bed. She hated leaving the bed due to it being so comfy. The floor was cold; sending chills up her body.

"Hahahaha!" She heard Amy's muffled laughter through the wall. Beca heard another guy, yet again. How many one night stands could this girl possibly have? Beca just shook her head and quickly got dressed. The brunette just decided to throw her hair up into a pony tail due to being lazy.

After her whole morning routine; she quickly ran out before having to meet another one of Amy's guys.

Beca: Alright, I am on my way over.

Chloe: Okay, I just got here.

Beca: Okay

She shoved her phone in her pocket and started the car. The radio turned on and started to play one of Beca's favorite songs to ever exist. It was "You and I by One Direction". Nobody really knew Beca loved One Direction. Really only her sister did, but she did love them. She saw them about three times. It was her little secret.

The streets were actually pretty busy for nine in the morning. People walked on the streets, across the crosswalks, into buildings, out of buildings, in and out of cars, just a normal day during Beca's commute. She stopped at a red light and instantly the car next to her started to beep like crazy. She rolled down her window and so did the other car; it was Jesse.

"Becaw'!" He yelled as his friend laughed in the passenger seat.

"Hey!" Beca yelled out.

"What is up?" Jesse asked as he popped the, p.

"Going to get coffee, why?" Beca asked as she kept looking at the light waiting for it to turn green.

"Hey! We will join you! Oh yeah, this is my friend Benji!" Jesse yelled.

"Hello!" Benji waved awkwardly.

"Uh.." Beca started. She hated when people just fucking invited themselves into her plans. She had to think of something quick. But she could not think of anything. "Sure" She said and it turned green.

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