♡ Thirty ♡

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Beca was taking the tent apart with Amy. Cynthia-Rose was ranting about how they were left with the work while the other girl's just got to check them into the motel.

"Motel's are gross anyway" Jessica said.

"That's what you said the first time you went down on me" Ashley smirked as they were cleaning up the mess of garbage.

"Ashley, be quiet!"

"Oh why? Not like they're listening" Ashley rolled her eyes.

"This trip is tearing us apart!" Amy yelled out.

"See" Ashley mumbled.

"What?" Beca asked and stopped taking apart the tent; looking at Amy in confusion.

"Everyone is fighting or just getting mad in general-"

"It's been a shit trip, Amy" Beca said and went back to taking apart the tent. She knew for herself though that it wasn't a total shit trip, but she knew for the other's it was.

"Amy, don't you think it's unfair we get this shit end?!" Cynthia-Rose exclaimed as she was packing the blankets up into a trash bag.

"It's just so we can get back to Barden quicker!" Amy said.


"Alright! Both of you are giving me a headache!" Beca said.

"It's not like we would be here if you didn't break down the bus on purpose!" Cynthia-Rose pointed at Amy.

"I had good intentions!" Amy yelled back.

"Both of you! If you guys even glare at each other I will punch you both. Just break down camp, pack it in the fucking bus so I can get to that shit motel to calm Chloe down-"

"What?" All four girls asked in unison.

Beca froze as she registered the words she spoke. Luckily she hadn't said anything about her and Chloe just finding out a new love for both of them. But, she did spill the beans that Chloe was pissed.

"She is really upset right now" Beca sighed and went back to working.

"Why?" Cynthia-Rose asked; tying off the trash bag full of blankets and pillows.

"Just some shit" Beca shrugged.

"What shit?" Ashley asked.

"Just shit-"

"But what kind of-"

"Oh my god!" Beca yelled. "Let's play the quiet game. Whoever wins I will buy you food. Starting now" Beca said and surprisingly all the girl's went quiet.

Beca and Cynthia-Rose walked to the bus; packing the stuff into it. Cynthia knew Beca was lying about Chloe. She also knew Beca and Chloe were something, but they just weren't sure what. She didn't care about the quiet game. She cared to learn what was going on.

"So, you and Chloe huh?" Cynthia-Rose asked.

"You lost the quiet-"

"I don't care, I care more about if you and Chloe are in item" She chuckled.

"Jesus christ, yes. We are. I don't know. Just, don't say anything" Beca rambled.

"Is that why she is upset?"

"No- Yes- Kinda'- Sort of-" Beca kept cutting herself off. "It's more Aubrey then anything"

"I think we are all mad at Aubrey in some way" Cynthia-Rose chuckled.

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