♡ Twenty-Seven ♡

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"Fuck" She shivered as her body snuggled more into the blanket. Beca was sleeping in the tent next to a softly snoring redhead. The brunette checked her phone to see it was 2 am and she woke up freezing cold. Beca turned to her body to her right; facing Chloe.

Chloe looked so peaceful. Her mouth a bit open, her right arm thrown above her head, her left arm across her own stomach, red hair in her face and tangled in her right hand a bit. She looked beautiful to Beca. Beca could stay up just staring at her for hours.

"Stop staring at me, Mitchell" Chloe whispered causing Beca's body to jump a bit due to not expecting Chloe to wake. The blue eyes slowly opened and her head turned to look at the shivering brunette.

"Sorry" Beca mumbled and looked away.

"I was kidding" Chloe chuckled. Her body slowly turned to face Beca. She was now on her left side; looking into Beca's eyes a bit. "Why are you up?" Chloe rasped.

"I got cold" Beca sounded small and fragile. It was obvious the brunette was searching for warmth under the blanket.

"I can help with that" Chloe smiled. Instantly she pulled the girl into her arms. Beca usually would fight or yell at her for it, but she snuggled her head into the crook of the gingers neck. Chloe felt Beca's arms snake around her own hips as she wrapped hers around Beca's.

It went to silence. What filled it was the sound of the woods was heard around them; along with the sound of Amy's snores in the tent over. Chloe fell back to sleep before Beca loving that she was holding her so tight against her. Beca of course loved it; instantly feeling the coldness slip away into the warmth. She didn't even want to fall asleep. The girl kept thinking to herself how she would never be able to be this close to Chloe again. That thought just brought her happiness down piece by piece. So Beca stayed up that whole night. Taking in the girls warmth and scent. Until light started to show and birds started to chirp.

"Chloe" Beca whispered; trying to wake Chloe up. Chloe stirred a bit, but just held Beca closer in her sleep. Beca  giggled a bit as Chloe held her closer. The brunette didn't even think closer was possible. She kept saying the girls name, but nothing. So the younger girl started to leave kisses on Chloe's neck; sucking a bit on her pulse point.

"Mmmm...Beca" Chloe mumbled as she slowly woke up. She thought she was dream g as she felt the smaller girls lips repeatedly pecking her skin. Sometimes she felt the girl suck at it.

"Wake up" Beca whispered as she kept going with the kisses.

"Mmm..well good morning to you too" Chloe giggled with her morning voice raspy. Her eyes started to flutter open as she crained her neck back a bit so Beca had more skin to kiss.

Beca didn't say anything. She just moved up with her lips. Kissing along her neck and up to her jawline. She wanted to lead up slowly to Chloe's lips, but of course the girl was very nervous to.

Chloe smiled lazily. She never imagined Beca to be this well, clingy. The redhead wanted to just bathe in the glory of having Beca like this with her. Her breath hitched a bit when she felt Beca's lips along her jawline; up to her cheek. Chloe craved Beca's lips against her own so badly.

"Beca" Chloe whispered.

"Mmm..yes?" Beca asked between leaving kisses.

"Kiss me" Chloe demanded.

Beca wasted no time after making sure she heard that correctly by leading up to find Chloe's lips. Once she did though; it felt like heaven was against her lips. Chloe smiled and kissed her back; her hand finding Beca's cheek to hold in her palm. Beca placed her hand over Chloe's as they slowly and lazily kissed. Beca couldn't believe it was happening. Chloe must've been dreaming, but nope. Both girls were awake.

"Wake up!" Aubrey yelled; both girls jumping apart.

"Fucking hell" Beca muttered and Chloe sighed.

"So are we keeping this on the low?"

"Yeah, yeah" Both girls agreed.

Beca got up reluctantly; feeling the cold hit her body. She was in her black sweatpants and a Neck Deep logo long sleeve. Chloe was in grey sweatpants and a pink sweater. Both girls started to get their shoes on and tie their hair up in messy buns. Beca was still frigid though.

"Becs' " Chloe said; trying to get Beca's attention. Beca turned and muttered a 'what'. It was obvious Beca was clearly annoyed about being rudely disrupted. "Where my hoodie, you're freezing" Chloe said.

"Thanks" Beca said and grabbed the purple Barden University logo hoodie. She slipped it on and then followed Chloe out of the tent and to join the girls around the empty fire pit.

Beca stood with her arms folded across her chest. A resting bitch face plastered along her face. Luckily the girls wouldn't read too much into it since Beca always had a resting bitch face and she hasn't had her morning coffee. Chloe stood next to her; trying to hide her own bitch face she had. The ginger was annoyed too about being disrupted. If she could; she would totally just kiss Beca all day. At least though she got to be near her when Aubrey lectured the group. 

"Chloe" Aubrey called. Or maybe not be able to be near her. Chloe looked at Beca before sadly walking across the empty fire pit to Aubrey. Beca sighed and her face just fell to a more of a bitch look.

"Okay! So, as you all know we did not go to Regionals! That being said the season for The Bella's is over before it began-"

"Whoa what?!"


"What do you mean?"

All girls started to yell out. They were all so confused to why it was over. Usually the Bella's would perform at parties or events on campus.

"No reason since you all hate doing it" Aubrey informed.

"We don't! Just we don't want to practice non stop!" Amy yelled as she was completely frustrated with the blonde.




Girls agreed and Beca just stayed silent. She rolled her eyes at how ridiculous the blonde was being.

"How about this? We just get home somehow and then figure it out!" Chloe cut off and everyone agreed. They would just need to find a way to get home.

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