♡ Five ♡

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"I'm telling you Beca! You'll like it" Jesse yelled.

It was around noon time and they met up for lunch. Jesse was in the midst of trying to convince Beca that she would love the movie called "Pitch Perfect".

"The characters, they seem just like us! Nerdy movie lover is me, you're the dark edgy girl who is part of the acapella group. You'd relate!" He said and Beca just chuckled.

"Dude, I don't watch movies" Beca said as she shoved a fry in her mouth. She felt the soft crunch and the fry melt in her mouth. That was always her favorite part. She loved fries; they were basically her favorite food.

"What?" Jesse asked and dropped his fork on his plate. It made a clink sound when it smacked against the white plate.

"They're predictable and just boring" Beca shrugged as she ate a couple more. It fell silent as Jesse was trying to process this.

"I'm sorry, that's insane. I'm gonna have to change that" Jesse smirked and picked the fork back up. He continued eating his steak that he ordered.

"Yeah, good luck there" Beca chuckled.


"Ready and 5..6..7..8!" Aubrey yelled as they started the choreography. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Aubrey yelled a minute after and turned around to face the group of exhausted girls.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked a little out of breath. Before Aubrey could speak, the door that was burster opened filled the silence.

"Hey! Hey! I'm sorry, I got held up in traffic" Beca rushed as she threw her bag down.

"You keep being late or not showing, shortie" Aubrey snapped and Beca's eyes went wide at the insult.

"Well sorry, life is less depressing then in here dealing with a stuck up bitch like you" Beca said. They have had 4 rehearsals together and they have been at each other's throats lately. It was always alot of tension and throwing everyone off. Chloe was still upset she hadn't gotten to speak to Beca, but everyone else has.

"Okay, whoa" Fat Amy started. "We don't have time for this shit! Regionals is in 6 weeks! 6! That's 12 more rehearsals! It might seem like alot to Beca, but to the rest of us, we know that's a little time to get everything together. Please, just please push this shit aside!" Amy yelled. All girls mumbled a 'yeah' and nodded their head in agreement.

"Fine, get in your spot. The only reason I can't kick you out is because I'm not changing the routine" Aubrey said and snapped her fingers. "Again! 5..6..7..8!" She yelled.

Chloe did the routine, but kept over thinking the fight she just witnessed. Chloe had anxiety disorder which made her over think stuff a little more then usual. The redhead over thought about Aubrey kicking Beca out and forbidding Chloe from even being able to listen to her segment. Sounds insane, but when Aubrey demands something, she demands it. As Chloe over thought it, she went right instead of left and crashed right into, Beca.

"Shit!" Beca yelled and Aubrey sighed.

"Oh my god, now what did you do?" Aubrey asked and instantly blamed it on Beca. Beca went to say it was Chloe, but Chloe looked so distraught and anxious. Beca knew an anxious face too well.

"I just missed a beat is all. Sorry, start again?" Beca asked. Chloe was shocked. She never expected Beca to take the blame for her.

"Last time" Aubrey mumbled. "One more time! Let's get this right ladies! 5..6..7..8!" Aubrey screamed out. Her frustration getting the best of her.

The rehearsal went on and they finally got the routine right. Everyone broke off into their own places where their bags were placed. Beca walked over to the seats that sat by the door. She had just plopped her bag there when she ran in late; as usual. Chloe was over by the whiteboard at Aubrey and Chloe's table. She looked at Beca and saw nobody was going to talk to her. She did have to thank Beca for protecting her from the wrath of Aubrey. Slowly she made her way over; playing nervously with her water bottle.

"Hey, it's Beca. Right?" Chloe asked and Beca looked up instantly.

"Yeah, yeah. Chloe?" Beca asked and Chloe nodded.

"Yep. I uh, I wanted to thank you for covering and saying it was you back there. You saved my aca-butt" Chloe giggled a bit. Beca just smirked and shrugged.

"Hey, at least it got you to talk to me finally" Beca snickered and Chloe smirked. She couldn't believe Beca was waiting on Chloe to say 'hi' first.

"In my defense, I've tried. Everyone kept getting in my way" Chloe sighed.

"Hey, slowest wins the race" Beca winked. For some reason, Beca was insanely more confident when she was around Chloe. She had felt a burst of energy just seeing her. Chloe felt butterflies and bit her lip.

"Well, since I'm the turtle. Maybe we should hang out sometime. Get to know one another more? I mean, we are Bella's. Bella sisters for life" Chloe said. Beca chuckled and raised her eyebrow at the last sentence.

"Sure, what we're you thinking?" Beca asked; curiosity peaking her mind.

"Not sure, do you have my number though?" Chloe asked. Beca just shook her head no and Chloe frowned.

"Well here" Chloe said and pulled a sharpie out from her boot. She grabbed Beca's arm and pushed her sleeve up. Instantly, Chloe saw faded scars. There were about three. Right on the inside of her wrist, over her veins. She was shocked, but didn't show it. She completely ignored it as she wrote the number on Beca's arm.

"Why do you keep a sharpie in your boot?" Beca asked with a laugh. The laugh cut off when Chloe pushed her hoodie sleeve up. She was shocked when Chloe didn't even have a reaction to it. It made her feel normal in a way.

"It's a good place so I don't lose it" Chloe giggled and capped the Sharpie. She put the black pen back into her boot and looked back at Beca.

"Smart. Creative, but smart" Beca smirked a bit. "I have to go. I work the night shift tonight" Beca sighed as she threw the bag over her shoulder.

"Alright well, I'll text you. Honestly.." Chloe said and grabbed Beca's hand. She got close to her face and whispered. "I think we are going to be really fast friends" Chloe whispered and then walked off. Beca smiled a bit and walked out of the auditorium.

As she walked to the car that sat in the parking lot outside, she analyzed what just happened. She went from some shy, awkward girl to a confident, snarky, girl. Beca radiated some confidence boost it felt like.

"Fucking weird" She muttered to herself and drove off to the radio station.

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