♡ Six ♡

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"Beca!" Amy yelled through the bathroom door.

"What?" Beca yelled from standing in the shower.

"We have practice in an hour! I want to shower too!" She whined. Beca rolled her eyes and just rinsed her hair out from the coffee smell conditioner.

"Give me a minute!" Beca yelled back.

"I have gave you almost forty!" Amy yelled and Beca groaned. She grabbed the right nob and turned it all the way to the left. Then the left nob and turned it to the left. The water automatically stopped, only dropping drips of water from the shower head.

She got out and grabbed the towels. One around the hair, the other her body. After grabbing her belongings like her phone, rings, and clothes; she walked out and went into her bedroom.

"You can go!" She yelled before shutting her bedroom door to get changed.

Unknown Number: Hey!!

Beca: Who is this?

Unknown Number: It's Chloe

Beca: Oh, hey. I was starting to think you would never text

Chloe: Yeah sorry, Aubrey had us doing Bella's work all night. I am exhausted.

Beca: Drink some coffee

Chloe: I am, I'm going to go to the coffee shop on campus. Want coffee? I'll pick you up one

Beca: No, it's okay.

Chloe: Alright :) I'll see you at practice in an hour

Beca: See you there

Beca was now dressed and was just doing her hair. After straightening it; she went to the coffee maker. The brunette went to make some, but realized they were out of coffee.

"Oh fuck off" Beca muttered after realizing it. "Amy!" She screamed and made her way to the bathroom. Beca banged her fist on the door causing Beca to yell out.

"Fuck! What the fuck?! I got soap in my eyes! What-"

"You went to the store last night, correct?" Beca yelled.

"Yeah, and?" Amy yelled; still cursing through out the burning of soap in her eyes.

"You forgot to get more coffee!" Beca yelled and Amy's face dropped. Amy had only seen Beca once without coffee, it was the scariest moment of her life.

"Fuck" Amy whispered to herself. "Uh! No! I did not! It's in the car!" Amy yelled and shut the water off.

"Why is it in the fucking car, Amy?" Beca asked. She started to feel the caffeine headache; slowly approaching.

"Because it fucking flew there, Beca! Jesus, I forgot that bag!" She said sarcastically causing an eye roll from Beca.

"Funny. Where are the keys?" Beca asked. Amy and Beca shared a car. It was easier on both of them financially.

"On the coffee table" Amy asked as she wrapped a towel around herself. She heard Beca leave and instantly ran out. She got dressed and threw her hair up in a messy bun. Truth was, no coffe was in the car. She just needed a distraction for Beca to prepare the group.

    * Fat Amy removed Shortie Beca out of the  chat *

Red Hot Chloe: Amy? Why did you do that?

Fat Amy: Because, she has not had caffeine. That I am sorry for.

Red Hot Chloe: Wait, I just got here. I asked her if she wanted coffee?

Self-Loving Stacie: Why are you telling us?

Blondie: No excuses for her to not show up.

Fat Amy: She is still coming, that I will say that I am really sorry about. She has a strong caffeine addiction so, yeah.

"Amy!" Beca yelled.

Fat Amy: Oh no, here is my death. I am so sorry in advance.

    * Fat Amy added Beca         
    Mitchell to the group * 

"There was no coffee-"

"I forgot to get it. But, come on! Bella's rehearsal!" Amy quickly said and ran out. Amy drove them, Beca giving her an evil glare each time the blonde would try to speak.


It was a long drive for the both of them to the auditorium. Even if it was just a couple blocks away. Beca's head started to pound harder with the pain. She could not find any pain killers anywhere. Amy just rushed in the auditorium to give yet, another warning.

"It is bad, only getting worse so Aubrey for the sake of all of us, take it easy on her" Amy pleaded. Before Aubrey could answer, Beca walked in.

"What?" She asked as she felt everyone stare right at her. Everyone mumbled a nothing and turned. Chloe sighed and grabbed her frappe she ordered; slowly approaching Beca.

"Here, take mine. I am not addicted unlike others" Chloe said and Beca looked up. A cold glare could have shot an icicle through the red head. But, Chloe never showed to be phased by it.

"Are you sure?" Beca asked and Chloe smiled softly.

"Positive" Chloe smiled and put it down for Beca. Chloe then walked away as Amy rushed over.

"Are you insane?" Amy whisper yelled.

"Shut it. I am feeding the monster" Chloe said and looked over at Beca. Beca took a sip and made a face. It was sweet, really sweet.

"What is this?" Beca asked Chloe walking over.

"Caramel frappe with 5 packets of sugar and a shot of vanilla. Why?" Chloe asked and Beca nodded.

"It is really sweet" Beca said as she took another sip.

"What? Does badass Mitchell' like her coffee black?" Chloe asked as she folded her arms across her chest.

"No, I do have a soul" Beca said. Another sip she took, her headache slowly getting better.

"Really? What do you order then?" The red hair perked her curiosity towards Beca.

"Iced coffee with cream and sugar" Beca shrugged.

"No flavor?" Chloe asked; astonished.

"Don't need it" Beca laughed a bit at Chloe's face.


Amy watched both girls. She knew off the bat something about them was different then with everyone else. Something more was meant to be there.

"Hey, CR!" Amy yelled for the girl. CR nodded and excused herself from Stacie.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Tell me, watch these two talk and tell me what you see" Amy said. Cynthia Rose knew what Amy meant. So she sat beside her to join in watching them.


"How could you not need it?" Chloe asked still not able to process it.

"Because, I don't know. It makes it way too sweet for my liking" Beca shrugged. Chloe just rolled her eyes; giving up on her.

"Alright ladies! Let's go!" Aubrey yelled. Chloe groaned because she had to end the conversation with Beca. They both just trudged over to their spots.


"Well?" Amy asked as they walked over.

"There is something, definitely. How long it'll take them to notice, it could be a whole book till they do" Cynthia Rose said.

"Listen, I am just glad that I am not the only one seeing it" Amy said.


Kind of just a little filler chapter. I had this idea for awhile and it seemed to work best in this book. Would you guys want more filler chapters like this? Let me know! Love you all ♡

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