♡ Three ♡

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Next day came around. The sun peered through the curtains and shined into Beca's eyes. She groaned and was about to pull the blanket over her head until a bang at the door.

"It's noon Beca! We have rehearsals!" Amy yelled. Beca slept in that late on Thursday's because she wouldn't have to go to the radio station or class. But today was obviously different. She was going to a Barden Bella's practice. Slowly Beca got out of the bed and let her bare feet hit the cold floor.

"Fuck" She groaned in her raspy morning voice. Slowly she made her way to the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth. The usual morning routine. Her hair luckily didn't look awful, so she threw it up in a messy bun.

"Beca!" Amy yelled and banged on the bathroom door.

"What?" Beca yelled as she opened it.

"Wear these. I picked your clothes out for you" Amy said and handed Beca some comfy clothes.

"You went through my drawer?" Beca asked as she grabbed the clothes.

"Yeah, no worries. Only saw your vibrator" Amy snickered and Beca just rolled her eyes. "No judgement. But, also no boots-"

"What do you mean 'No boots' ?" Beca asked. Beca always wore boots. She own a pair of Sk8-Hi Vans, but she has never even worn them. They have been sitting the shoe box for a little over a year now.

"Aubrey's rule. If we don't wear sneakers our feet will hurt like bloody hell" Amy said and then walked off before Beca could argue. She shut the door and got changed into leggings, a Yankees t-shirt, and her boots. She wouldn't be wearing sneakers at all.

"You ready?" Beca yelled and Amy ran out.

"Whoa! Whoa! No boots!" Amy yelled and her eyes were huge. Like she saw a dinosaur on a rollercoaster, huge.

"I will be fine" Beca said with a daring glare. Something Amy had learned to not argue.

"I mean- Alright. Face the Aubrey" Amy chuckled. She knew Beca was basically asking for her death by going against Aubrey. Little did Amy know, Beca was just as tough.


Chloe got to rehearsals with Aubrey and started to stretch. She was standing next Stacie; stretching her arms.

"So who do you think it is?" Stacie asked as she brought her left arm across her front; towards her right.

"No clue" Chloe chuckled. Chloe didn't know who to expect with Amy. Amy was always full of surprises. To their knowledge, she could easily bring Beyoncé.

"Ello' Bella's!" Amy yelled as she entered. She entered alone though, by herself, nobody else. Just Amy. Aubrey put her clip board down and crossed her arms.

"You're alone?" Aubrey asked.

"Nope! Gonna have her make an entry even IF SHE IS AGAINST AN ENTRY!" Amy yelled at the door; obviously annoyed with whoever was behind it.

"Are you sure-"

"It's fine Aubrey!" Amy shouted. She took a deep breath and pointed to Stacie. "Drum roll please!" Amy announced.

"Yep, on it!" Stacie said. She then started to hit her hands to a fast paced rhythm against the table.

"All the way from....shit I forgot. Okay all the way from behind a microphone, the biggest introvert who has only sang a bit. Please ladies and....ladies! Welcome, the one, the only-"

"Oh my god, Amy! I'm coming in!" Beca yelled as she opened the door.

"BECA MITCHELL!" Amy cut Beca off as she walked in. "I told you to wait!" Amy whined.

"I did, you took forever!" Beca whined back.

Chloe chuckled at Amy's nonsense until Amy yelled the name. Just then, Beca walked in. Chloe's mouth was half open in shock. She was beautiful; more beautiful then Chloe ever imagined. She looked so much like a bad ass as well. Chloe never really liked the dark/edgy girls, but something about Beca made her so drawn to her.

"Hey, uh, we don't wear boots" Aubrey laughed a bit. She felt uneasy seeing the girl not following the rules. The blonde didn't even register who she was.

"You don't, but I do so..." Beca said and all girls eyes went wide open.

"Holy shit" Lilly whispered as she heard the rebellion in Beca's words. Aubrey chuckled and her head pushed back a bit taken.

"Aca-scuse me?" Aubrey asked.

"Aca-believe it" Amy muttered.

"Okay uh-"

"It's cool if you want to wear them" Chloe cut Aubrey off and walked up. "I'm Chloe, Chloe Beale" She flashed her famous flirtatious smile.

"Beca, Beca Mitchell" Beca smiled a small smile back. Something sparked in the air, but it was quickly blown out by Aubrey.

"Chloe!" Aubrey said and pulled Aubrey to the side.

"What?" Chloe asked innocently.

"I don't care if this is your crush. She is disobeying my- our rules!" Aubrey whisper yelled.

"If she's comfortable in the boots, let her wear them" Chloe whispered and looked behind to make sure nobody heard Aubrey. Aubrey took a deep breath counted to ten.

"Fine. Only because I'm doing this for you" Aubrey snapped and Chloe smiled. Both girls turned back to the group who were now all huddled around Beca. Beca was a few steps back; keeping her space.

"So can you sing?" Stacie asked and Amy laughed.

"Can she sing? She is a kickass singer!" Amy said and Aubrey smirked at her chance to embarrass Beca.

"Prove it" Aubrey smirked as she crossed her arms across her chest. Beca knew she was going to have to sing, but she felt a little uncomfortable being on the spot. The brunette nodded and played with her hands a bit.

"Alright uh, what do you want me to do?" Beca asked causing Aubrey to laugh hysterically. Everyone just looked at her with their eyebrow raised in questioning of what was so damn funny.

"Well jeez, I don't know. Sing?" Aubrey choked out and Beca glared at her.

"I'm aware, but what song?" She sighed a bit nervous, but hiding it well from the blonde.

"Uh how about....you know, anything-" Flo was cut off by Chloe.

"Wonderwall" Chloe said with a small smile.

"Anything and you pick that one? I already play it each day" Beca sighed and Chloe giggled a bit.

"Just do it so we can get rehearsals started" Aubrey snapped and Chloe shot a glare towards her.

With that, Beca sang a bit of Wonderwall. All girls were shocked. Even Aubrey who had a bone to pick with Beca was shocked. Nobody expected that voice to come out of Beca's mouth. Chloe's crush she had on her grew one thousand times more.

"Wow" Chloe whispered to herself.

"Well?" Amy asked, mainly directing her attention to Aubrey. Amy saw this as an opportunity to be closer friends with Beca. Amy never had issues making friends, but Beca was harder.

"Aubrey, come on!" Stacie pleaded and Aubrey instantly went from a face of 'Never in a million years' to a 'yes' .

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, we need someone anyway" Aubrey faked a sigh. Aubrey was acting like she wasn't impressed, but she was. She couldn't believe the vocals Beca had.
"Well, come on! Let's start our rehearsals for the Regionals!" Aubrey yelled and smacked her clip board.

"Wait, Regionals?" Beca asked a bit shocked. She only signed up a week for this! Not longer...

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