♡ Thirty-Three ♡

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"I want fries!" Amy said into the chatter of all The Bella's. The girl's were all sat at the long table in the middle of the diner.

Beca was still silent. She had been silent since they had left the motel it seemed like. Chloe had been silent as well. She sat at one end of the table next to Cynthia-Rose and across from Amy. Chloe was all the way at the other end across from Aubrey and next to Stacie.

The brunette of course kept stealing glances at the ginger haired woman. She wanted to know what made Chloe switch to that train of thought. Of course, Beca was now debating if helping with her dad's wedding was important. But, she knew she would never be forgiven if she ditched them.

"Beca!" Amy said; snapping Beca out of her train of thought.

"Yeah?" Beca asked.

"What are you getting?" Amy asked.

"Uh," Beca froze. She hadn't bothered to look at the menu. "Just a burger and some fries" She quickly shrugged.

"Alright shortie" Amy smiled.

Soon after the waiter came to take all of the ladies orders. He walked around the table; writing down on his notepad each order. Then, he got to Beca.

"Hey, I'm Jake" He smiled. "How can I help you?"

"I'm Beca," Beca smiled. "But, I would like just a regular burger with fries"

"And how would a beautiful girl like you like the burger done?" He smirked.

"Well done, I don't want to even know it was alive" Beca smirked back as she handed him the menu.

"Edgy," He chuckled. "I like that. Well, let me know if any of you need anything. Especially you Beca" Jake smiled before walking off.

"Holy shit!" Amy said with a laugh.

"What?" Beca shrugged with an innocent smile.

"He is so into you!" Ashley laughed.

Beca was laughing a bit at the girl's reactions. She had zero plans to actually date him or anything. But, she looked over at Chloe and the ginger was sending glares at Beca. Her arm's were folded over her chest and Beca swore she could feel fire from the death glare.

Her smile faded and she bit her bottom lip. Her eyes wander off from Chloe and around the busy diner. They quickly returned and gestured to the bathroom. Chloe nodded and got up first; walking off.

Beca waited about three minutes before she excused herself to the bathroom. She wasn't lying when she was thinking that her heart might actually thump it's way out of her throat. Her hands were a bit sweaty. She didn't understand why Chloe seemed so pissed.

As Beca opened the door slowly, she felt her arm pulled in and the door quickly slammed shut behind her. Her back was pressed against the door; a hand holding her shoulder against the wall.

"You broke up with me" Beca reminded Chloe.

"Yeah, I'm aware" Chloe muttered. "Maybe we should wait until the summer?" Her voice was a bit small.

Beca went to argue, but she saw Chloe. Chloe's face was a bit red. Her hair was in her face as her breathing was heavy. The younger woman gulped a bit. She found the woman in front of her to be so amazingly sexy.

"You know," Beca gulped. "Diner bathroom's are okay. I just hate motel's alot" She added.

Chloe couldn't help but let a smirk curl upon her pink shaded lips. She let her hand off Beca's shoulder; slowly moving it down to grip her waist.

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