♡ Thirty-Eight ♡

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"I can't believe I did that.." Beca muttered to Cynthia-Rose.

She was sat on her bed with her head in her hands. Her knee bouncing rapidly as she replayed the moments in her head. The woman couldn't believe she smacked Aubrey. She hadn't turn to violence in years.

Growing up Beca dealt with anger issues. She had court ordered anger management throughout high school. Not that it ever helped, but it was hell to just attend the class. 

Cynthia-Rose on the couch bed across from her. She was ordered to keep watch on Beca until the bus came back. Mainly by all the other girls knowing Beca wouldn't freak on Cynthia-Rose. Beca and her had gotten close the last year. CR had a calming effect on Beca at times.

"Honestly it wasn't your fault. Aubrey knew she was pushing your buttons-"

"But I haven't resulted to violence since I was like 16!" Beca said. "I don't want to go back to anger management"

"You went to anger management?" She asked a bit surprised. Beca never discussed her life before college growing up.

"Yeah. It was court ordered. I had pretty violent fights with my sister and just in general.." Beca said. "And knowing Aubrey she's going to press charges for assault-"

"Trust me, she won't" Cynthia-Rose spoke. "Listen, we both know she had it coming. She was way out of line-"

"But she's right-"

"She is not! All you did was have a fight with Chloe which happens with couples. You'll talk it out and be sleeping together by next week"

"Talk it out?" Beca asked with a bit of attitude to her voice.

"If you want this to get better, yeah you will" She replied and the motel room door opened.

"Shawshank, I leave you alone for like twenty minutes and holy shit you rebel!" Amy announced as she walked in the room. "Why would you smack Aubrey?"

"She didn't tell you?" Cynthia-Rose asked.

"Well she told us you were upset over Chloe so you took it out on her-"

"She tell you how many insults she threw at me and told me my spot on The Bella's was gone?" Beca asked.

"Wait what? No! She didn't tell us that!" Amy said.

"That's great, Aubrey is giving no detail and is going to make Chloe hate me more" Beca laughed in disbelief this was happening.

"No, we are fixing this" CR said.

"Well, we're loading up the bus right now" Amy informed.

"No, I'll take a taxi or find my own way back" Beca said.


"I can't see Chloe right now. She's probably really mad and everyone is mad-"

"The only people who didn't see what really went down were Chloe and Amy!" CR said. "And if Aubrey is going to try and lie we can just tell them like we just informed Amy"

"Exactly!" Amy nodded.


"You're going to have to see Chloe sooner or later-"

"I'm finding my own way back. I'm off The Bella's anyway" Beca muttered.


"Just let her go, Amy" CR said as she got up. "I'll text you before we leave if you change your mind" She added.

"This is bullshit" Amy muttered as her and Cynthia-Rose left the room.

"I know, but leave her be" Cynthia-Rose said and shut the door.

"What is Aubrey's issue?" Amy asked as they began to walk down to the parking lot.

"No idea, but she took it out on Beca pretty hard. If her attitude doesn't change this won't help us as a group. Especially when we move into the house"

"I know, Chloe is really upset right now with Beca though-"

"Yeah well, I'm telling her the truth in front of the other girls so we can all call Aubrey out" She said as they walked up to the bus where the girls stood outside.

"Hey! Where's Beca?" Stacie asked.

"Uh, she's finding her own way back" Cynthia-Rose shrugged; giving a glare at Aubrey who had a red mark on her face. For Beca being small, she was strong.

"Why?" Jessica asked.

"Well, Aubrey has decided to leave out the part on what happened-"

"No I didn-"

"Chloe, she threw insults like crazy at Beca and kicked her off the team. She was saying shit like she was no good for you and needed to know that. Also saying shit like she knew Beca was a fuck up from the beginning" Cynthia-Rose looked at a distraught Chloe.

"What?" Chloe looked at Aubrey.

"And if you don't believe me all the other girls who were here can say they witnessed it" She added.

"Aubrey.." Chloe whispered. "Is this true?"

"Well she just basically told you she wasn't commiting to you and-"

"Why were you lying to me? What is going on with you?" Chloe asked.

"Don't you get it?! She's kicking me out of The Bella's. We wouldn't even be at National's if she didn't take over the group!" Aubrey yelled. "And now she's taking you away! She's literally robbing me of my life!"

"Aubrey you graduate anyway" Stacie said.

"Yeah I was going to need a captain to run this with me anyway" Chloe said. "And she wasn't stealing me away from you. You are my sister. I'm going to fall in love one day and it just happened to be with her"

"I just, this isn't fair! I can't graduate and move on! I'm- I'm really scared" Aubrey admitted.

All the girls knew in that moment that Aubrey wasn't faking it. This was explaining why she had been so hateful lately. The woman,was scared and just didn't want to admit to it.

"I'm so sorry to everyone, I just-"

"We get it, you should've told us sooner!" Ashley said.

"Yeah, I mean we are all scared to lose you" Amy said.

"You should have told me, Aub" Chloe sighed and walked up to a now crying Aubrey. She hugged her tightly knowing that was a hard thing for her to admit. "I am always going to be here for you. No matter where we are"

"I know, I've been such a bitch"

"Yeah, you have" All girls said in unison.

"Where's Beca? I should apologize.." Aubrey sniffled.

"I'll go grab her" Amy said and rushed off.

"I'm sorry, Chloe" Aubrey said. "You deserve the happiness with someone you love.."

"Well, we still have our own issue to deal with. But I'm happy this one is cleared up" Chloe smiled sadly.

"So, Aubrey being a bitch more then usual is cleared. Let's start loading up!" Cynthia-Rose said and everyone agreed.

Few minutes later Amy came back holding her phone to her ear. She let a couple muttered curse words out as she put her phone back in her pocket. Chloe was standing outside the bus as everyone was already loaded in. She was anxiously waiting to see Beca, but no sign of her.

"Where's Beca?" Chloe asked.

"Gone" Amy simply put it. "Her phone is going straight to voicemail, room is empty, she's already gone"

"Are you kidding?" Chloe asked.

"I wouldn't about this. I guess we will find her when we get home"

"Alright.." Chloe sighed and follow Amy onto the bus with everyone but Beca.

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