♡ Fourty-Three ♡

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"But I'm comfy" Beca whined as she was snuggled into Chloe's side still the Uber.

"I know but we're about to pull up to the house. We're on campus right now" Chloe said and kissed her forehead softly.

"Fine" Beca muttered and lifted her head up; quickly rubbing her eyes causing Chloe to smile softly.

"Sorry" Chloe whispered; caressing the woman's cheek with her hand.

"It's fine" Beca rasped in her voice that she had when she just woke up. Chloe swore that voice would be the death of her some days. "Do you know if any of the other girls are there yet?" Beca asked as she wrapped her earbuds around her fingers before stuffing them in her pocket.

"Amy is on her plane from Australia, Jessica and Ashley are driving here, Stacie is flying in, Lily is apparently on a horse, Cynthia is taking a train, and I haven't heard from Aubrey" Chloe said as she dropped her hand from Beca's cheek with a sigh.

"Think Aubrey will show?" Beca turned her head to look at her girlfriend.

Beca felt bad for Chloe. She wanted to take the pain she felt away. Even if Aubrey did do them both wrong, Aubrey meant a lot to Chloe. She was like an older sister to the redhead. They had been friends since middle school.

"I don't know" Chloe looked down at her hands with a shrug.

"I'm sorry.." Beca whispered.

The younger woman took her pointer finger and thumb; slowly lifting the older woman's chin up so their eyes met. Chloe loved when Beca was this touchy. Especially in moments like this where the redhead would crave it.

"I love you" Beca whispered softly.

Chloe lifted her hand so she could take Beca's hand that was holding her chin. She moved her hand so it was entangled with her own. The woman kissed the back of Beca's hand; rubbing her thumb against Beca's skin.

"Thank you" Chloe whispered in reply.

"Alright, we're here" The Uber driver said as he parked out front of The Bella's House.

"Thank you" Beca and Chloe said in unison as they unbuckled; getting out of the car. Beca went to the trunk and grabbed both of their bags as Chloe went to unlock the house.

The car pulled off as Beca walked down the driveway and up to the house. She had bags hanging on her shoulder and pulled the rolling suitcases in both hands.

"We're home!" Chloe grinned as she unlocked the front door; pushing it open. She then turned to see her girlfriend pulling their suitcases up the pathway; then up the front porch steps.

"I swear I think that kid fucked my back up" Beca grumbled about the flight; walking into the house past Chloe.

"You want a back rub tonight?" Chloe asked as she took her suitcase from Beca.

"Last time you gave me a back rub I ended up under you" Beca smirked.

"At least you were stretching your back" Chloe replied with a wink. "And also, are you really complaining?" She asked as they started to go upstairs.

"Guess not" Beca smirked with a shrug as she opened the bedroom door that was another set of stairs. Both agreed to have the attic bedroom last year.

Both of them got up the stairs to their attic bedroom. They put their bags down and looked at the bed that was in the middle of the room. Chloe pulled her phone out and saw they still had an hour before the other girls began to arrive.

"We can make the bed and I can give you a back rub?" Chloe suggested; wrapping her arms around Beca's waist from behind.

"As lovely as that sounds, we should probably get the unpacking over with" Beca muttered; leaning into Chloe's embrace.

"Come on," Chloe encouraged. "You know you wanna'" She sang the end off softly in Beca's ear.

"You should be the one encouraging me to unpack, not the opposite way around" Beca chuckled as she turned to face Chloe.

Sometimes Beca just froze when she looked at Chloe. Especially when they were this close to each other. Almost nose to nose basically. She felt frozen in time because she was able to be this close to Chloe.

She would wonder how on earth she got so lucky in this world. The way Chloe held their hips against one another. Their lips almost connecting, but both lingering to let the moment sink in.

"You're staring again, Mitchell" Chloe whispered.

"I'm allowed to" Beca whispered in return before kissing her softly.

They both knew they would have to calm down the whole non stop romantic stuff when the other girls showed. Of course they wouldn't hide they were still together, but they both agreed not to flaunt it and shove it down everyone's throats. So of course Chloe was taking every moment she could before any of the girls showed.

"Come on," Chloe whispered. "Just a back rub, maybe kissing you a lot, and we can unpack later"

"Maybe kissing?" Beca asked.

"Fine, no maybe," Chloe smirked. "Definitely kissing" She added.

"Then you got yourself a deal" Beca said.

Chloe instantly pulled Beca over to the bed that didn't have a sheet on it. Neither cared to actually make the bed because that would take away from their own time together alone.

Beca laid down on her stomach; her head resting on her arms. She felt the bed dip towards the left; signaling Chloe's presence. Hands slowly began to rub up and down Beca's back; slipping under her shirt. She shivered at the cold hands at first, but eventually melted back into her relaxed state.

The brunette couldn't help but feel so greatful for her girlfriend in these moments. She had dealt with back pain for her whole life and never thought someone giving her a back massage would help. But, it did. Not to mention sometimes while Chloe gave her one, she would mumble to whatever song was in her head.

As if it was on cue, Chloe began to mumble to whatever song she had in her head. It was soft, hushed, and sweet. Beca loved it. She could get lost in just Chloe's talking voice, but her singing was always something Beca loved.

She got jealous sometimes when Chloe sang for others. But, she would be proud as well. She would be able to say that the girl singing at the karaoke bar, causing all the guys to go wild? Yeah, that was her girlfriend and only Beca got to go home with her. But jealousy was also a factor. Sometimes Beca forgot Chloe wasn't her little secret. She was a well known karaoke star in some local bars to a Barden Bella as well.

"How's it feel?" Chloe asked.

"Fucking amazing, babe" Beca said into her arm; muffling the sound a bit.

"Bella's number one couple?!" Amy yelled into the house.

"I love you, I do. But holy shit I have missed Amy-"

"Go, I'll be right down" Beca chuckled as she quickly felt Chloe give her a kiss before running towards the door. Not soon after she heard two screams causing her to cringe. She hated how girls did the whole screaming when they saw one another.

Slowly she got up and sat up on the bed; looking down at her phone. Beca just had the best summer that she had ever had. Now, that was over. It was time to restart up another college year and a new year for The Barden Bella's.

It was time to face Aubrey Posen as well. Which of course Beca wouldn't admit to it, but she was nervous. She did know one thing though and that was if Aubrey showed, Beca would be having a small talk with her about how she hurt Chloe. Whether she liked it or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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