♡ Twenty-Nine ♡

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"How can I help you ladies?" He asked as he stood behind the counter. He had a baseball cap on that said the name of the mechanic shop. It was called "Richard and Son". It was a pretty cliche name for a shop, but that really didn't matter.

"Our bus broke down and we need help" Beca sighed as she stood across the front desk from him. Cynthia-Rose was standing next to her. The other girls were walking around the building; looking around at all the old things that were in the building.

"Alright, think that is possible" He mumbled as he started to go on his computer. "So, where is the bus?" He asked.

"Couple miles away. We have friends there with it so nobody steals it, then we walked for help" Cynthia-Rose informed him.

"Beca, look" Amy said as she showed her a magazine just for food.

"Amy, that is from '95" Beca chuckled as she looked at it. It had some parts ripped or wrinkled. As well as some parts faded from the age of the magazine.

"It is so cool though!" Amy exclaimed. Richard chuckled as he was typing in the information about the bus that Cynthia-Rose was giving him.

"You can have it if you'd like" He said and Amy lit up.

"Thank you!" She smiled and walked away.

"Alright, I can give you guys a ride back and we can figure it out from there" He said as he grabbed the keys.

"Come on weirdos" Beca said to the girl's walking around.

They all followed Richard outside and packed into the truck. Beca sat up front in the middle of Richard and Amy. Cynthia-Rose was in the back with Jessica and Ashley.

Beca hated being this close to people. Especially someone she didn't know. The only person she had really let be this close to her is Chloe Beale. Well, it wasn't really her choice. Chloe just kind of decided they would be close and cuddly all the time. Beca started to wonder if that was part of a plan she had.

Even knowing Beca couldn't get service; she slipped her phone out. She bit her lip at the lockscreen of Chloe. Chloe was sitting across from her at Bella's rehearsal. She was in her exercise clothes along with sweating a bit. Beca found her way too sexy after rehearsals. But, she was sticking her tongue out at Beca with her eyes crossed. It made Beca laugh a bit.

"What you laughing at?" Amy asked.

"Oh, nothing" Beca quickly said and unlocked the phone.

The background was yet again, Chloe. Beca started to wonder to herself if maybe she was too obsessed with Chloe. But then again, she wasn't the one who insisted on cuddling all the time. Knowing though that she had no service, she was sure it wasn't going to go through. She didn't want to scare Chloe off or give her any other reason to think Beca was a softie. But, she wanted to say what she wanted to. Even if it didn't send.

Beca: Hey. This won't send and maybe one day I will show you this. But, I really do think I'm falling in love with you. There's something about you that makes me so fucking addicted to you. I'm sitting in a truck between Amy and some mechanic wishing one was you. I never have felt this way about someone. Not even my ex. It's scaring the shit out of me, Beale. I swear I die more when you say my name or just fucking look at me. Who gave you the right to do that? Anyway, I will show this to you one day. I'm pulling back up to the site where the bus is broken down. I love you.

Beca locked her phone quickly as he parked in front of the bus. The other girls all quickly walked up as they got out of the old beaten up truck. Beca scooted out on Amy's side; following her to the bus. Her eyes quickly looked over to see Chloe standing behind the group with her arms folded. She looked pissed.

"What?" Beca asked as she made a b line for the ginger.

Amy and Cynthia-Rose lead the mechanic to the bus. Aubrey was marching up to join them along with the other girls. But, Beca and Chloe hung back.

"Aubrey," Chloe mumbled. "She can be so selfish sometimes. I tried telling her about us so we could at least not be separated and she just turned it into a golfing story"

"So your pissed because she separated us?" Beca asked.

"Kinda' that and how selfish she is being," Chloe sighed and looked over at Beca. "I'm sorry I can't be happier about your message"

"What message?" Beca asked.

"The one you thought didn't send," Chloe couldn't help but let a small smile form. "And, I love you too" She whispered before quickly placing her lips against Beca's cheek.

Beca's face instantly turned red at the woman's words and action. Chloe rubbed Beca's arm before walking away to join the group. The brunette instantly followed her like a lost puppy. She couldn't believe what Chloe just said.

"So, I can take the bus up to the shop and there's a motel just a few streets down from my shop" He explained.

"Great, we can split in two again because he has to go get his tow truck-"

"Why in two?" Chloe cut Aubrey off.

"Not enough for all of you in my truck" Richard explained.

"So same groups, mine will go back first and get us checked into the hotel. Beca's can break down camp and pack it in the bus, then ride back with him when he tows it" Aubrey clapped her hands together.


"Chloe," Beca cut off and secretly placed her hand on her lower back. "Just make sure we get our own room" She whispered as the group all scattered to do their job.

"I just said-"

"I know," Beca sighed. "But, please make sure to get us a room" Beca whined knowing it would work.

"Sometimes you using your cute whining is annoying" Chloe mumbled and walked away; obviously a bit pissed off.

"I love you too" Beca sighed as they both walked different ways.

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