♡ Eight ♡

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Beca sat there. In her car; watching Chloe pull away out of the parking lot. Chloe waved to Beca out of her window; Beca returned a wave.

"Hey!" Beca heard through the muffled window. She jumped and looked over. It was Jesse. She sighed and rolled the window down. "What the hell? You ditched me!" He yelled.

"I didn't mean to, Aubrey called Chloe and we had to talk about the Bella's" Beca lied. Surprisingly, Jesse seemed to believe it. His once angered red face softened to his relaxed normal skin tone.

"Oh, alright well. Do you want to hang out?" He asked.

"I can't, work" Beca simply said and started her car. The lights turned on along with the radio starting to play.

"Oh" He sighed. He just nodded and backed away. "Well, I will see you later" Jesse said and Beca nodded.

"Yeah, see you later" Beca said and drove off. She looked in her rearview mirror. Standing at the doorway of the coffee shop was Jade. She watched the car pull off and glared at Beca through the car. Beca felt a coldness run through her at the feeling of Jade's stare. She just shook it off and sped a bit quicker to get out of her sight.


"Hey! Nerd!" Jade yelled at Jesse. Jesse turned and rolled his eyes.

"I am not a nerd, Jade" Jesse defended himself.

"Geek, yeah, whatever. What's with redhead and Beca?" She asked and Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"How do you-"

"Old friend" Jade shrugged it off. The girl was tall; her high heels giving her about 2 inches to her build. Her arms were covered in tattoos and she had dark makeup on.

"Oh well, nothing. Actually Beca and I, we've been hittin' it off" He smirked and Jade snickered.

"Alright. Sure. I like your sense of humor, geek" She said. Her cocky smirk plastered on her face.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked and crossed his arms over his sweater.

"She ditched you with redhead today. Redhead basically pulled her out" Jade said.

"Was Chloe on the phone?" He asked.

"Chloe? Is that the redhead?" She asked and Jesse quickly nodded. "No, she wasn't" Jade answered.

"Beca lied" Jesse said. His voice deeper and a little more cold.

"She does that" Jade laughed. "Well thanks" Jade said and walked off to her black Corvette.


Chloe sat in class with Aubrey. She snuck her earbuds in and was listening to Beca's segment. Aubrey always hated when Chloe would do that during class.

"Alright! Down to a couple more songs before I am out of here. Let's start taking some calls!" Beca said and took a pause. "Alright, caller 28, what is your name and your rant?" Beca asked.

"Hey! My name is Jesse and my rant is about friends" He said. Chloe's eyes went wide and she pushed the earbuds in her ears a bit more.

"Uh, alright. Rant away" Beca said.

"I really hate when friends lie you know? Like, this girl, we we're hitting it off. Then a really old friend of her's pointed out she lies, a lot!" Jesse yelled.

"Really?" Beca asked keeping her mouth shut. If she fought him on air, her job could be over with.

"Yeah! Really! I honestly can't wait to see her again so we can speak! Also, I can't wait to call her out on everything!" Jesse said. Beca just nodded and ended it.

"Well, that was Jesse. Caller 28. Uh, let's just kick back to it with some songs. Here is Castle On The Hill, by Ed Sheeran!" Beca said and the guitar driven song faded in.

"Oh my gosh" Chloe whispered to herself. She tapped Aubrey as she collected her stuff.

"What?!" Aubrey whisper yelled.

"I need to go" Chloe said and rushed out before Chloe could speak. The redhead wanted to go see Beca and talk about what just happened. She was about to get to her car when a hand gripped her throat and she was pushed up against a tree.

"Stay away from Beca. She is a neurotic liar" Jade spat with venom deep in her voice. Her hand gripped harshly and her nails dug deep into Chloe's skin.

"We are just friends!" Chloe said. It caused Jade to just grip harder around Chloe's neck; blocking a way for Chloe to breathe.

"I don't care. I am saving you. I am doing you a favor and you! Need to be, grateful!" Jade said.

"Hey!" Aubrey yelled and ran over. Jade had already left though. Chloe instantly gasped for air and put her hand to her neck. Jade had been gripping the girls neck really tightly. "Chloe, what the fuck?" Aubrey yelled. Chloe just stood in disbelief what had just happened. Aubrey was yelling questions, but they were all muffled.

"I don't know" Chloe said feeling her eyes sting.

"Alright, let's just get you home" Aubrey said and got Chloe in the passenger seat.


Beca's segment was over; so she got up and left the building. Jesse stood right in front of Beca's car.

"Hey!" He yelled a bit angry. Beca sighed and walked up.

"What?" Beca asked. She tried to get to her door, but Jesse blocked her. She sighed and crossed her arms at the boy. "Move" She stated.

"Not until after you and I, talk" He said and Beca laughed.

"Dude! We are not together! You don't even know my middle name!" Beca laughed.

"Does not matter. You lied-"

"About what?" Beca cut him off.

"Aubrey calling you" He said with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Alright? Chloe needed to talk to me about something private. I promised her I would never tell" Beca said. It wasn't a total lie. Chloe and Beca swore they wouldn't talk to anyone about their sexualities discussion.

"Sure" He said. "You need to grow up-"

"Says the one who is blocking me from leaving" Beca snapped.

"Ha, ha. Funny" Jesse faked a laugh. "Jade told me about you" He said and Beca froze.

"What?" Beca asked.

"Your old friend? You lie a lot" Jesse laughed. Beca sighed of relief Jade didn't mention the past dating part.

"Sure, now move" Beca said.

"No! I demand you-"

Beca cut him off by shoving him aside and getting in the car. The brunette locked the doors so he couldn't open it; which he attempted to do. He flipped Beca off when she drove off. Beca just smirked and waved goodbye.

"Fucking hell" she mumbled to herself.


Sorry for the late update! I finally am starting my dream career. I am a music photographer! My life is getting busy so updates may be a little later then usual. Enjoy!

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