♡ Sixteen ♡

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"I knew Aubrey had some gay in her!" CR exclaimed as they approached the brown colored door. Cynthia-Rose and Amy both had gone back to Cynthia-Rose's and Beca's hotel room.  Amy held her bag due to the fact she would be sharing the room with them. Lily was now sharing with Jessica and Ashley. All because of Aubrey's puking incident.

"But how?! Like, it's not there" Amy said. She was stunned. Her 'gaydar' felt completely off now. Aubrey took all the girls by surprise. Even Chloe, and Chloe was the closest to Aubrey.

"It is. Trust me, one day you will be like the sen-"

"Oh cut the bullshit" Amy laughed when the girl got the door unlocked. The blonde walked in first; about to say something to the girl behind her. But, then she saw the two girls in front of her. Both passed out as their bodies were intertwined. Beca had her arms around Chloe, Chloe held Beca close to her, their legs both intertwined. It was definetely something to see coming from two girls who basically fought the whole afternoon/evening.

"How high is the gaydar now?" CR whispered to Amy.

"Wee-Woo-Wee-Woo" Amy mumbled as she put her pointer finger up; spinning it in circles.


Beca heard the alarm, but chose to ignore it. She wanted a couple more minutes under the nice warm blanket, in the comfy bed. The girl didn't want to get up and face the day. She never really did any day, but especially today.

"Someone turn it off" Cynthia-Rose muffled into the pillow.

"Please!" Amy yelled from sleeping on the floor.

Beca just chose to stay silent and try to just fall back to sleep. She was about to, but then the bed shifted and coldness hit Beca's body. Chloe got up, regretfully untangling herself from Beca.

"No" The brunette groaned as she flipped over to her stomach. Beca still half asleep didn't even know what she was saying. Chloe giggled a bit as she walked over to the alarm; finally turning it off.

"Thank you!" Amy yelled.

"Why? Now we all have to get up" Chloe laughed as she walked to the bathroom. Beca hid herself under the blankets; snuggling into the pillow a bit more. It smelled like Chloe's hair causing a smile to spread across the brunette's face. She heard the two other Bella's get up from their slumber. Beca refused to though.

"Come on Chloe! I need to pee!" Amy whined.

"Hang on!" Chloe shouted. She spit the toothpaste out and rinsed it with water. After cleaning her mess; the girl walked out and Amy sighed of relief.

"Finally!" Amy shouted as she ran into the bathroom.

"Sorry! Had to brush my teeth" Chloe giggled. She walked back into the room where the two beds were and a Cynthia-Rose, plus a hiding Beca. Chloe smiled a bit. She felt better after her night. Sure it was shitty, but she got the best sleep she has had in years it felt like.

"She's not up yet" CR said as she started to do her hair. The girl was sat at the desk; plugging the straightener in.

"I'll get her up" Chloe smiled and walked over. She pulled the blanket down, but a feisty Beca pulled them back quickly.

"No" Beca groaned. She didn't want to get up at all. Beca was overthinking everything. She hated cuddling, why did she sleep so good last night? She shouldn't think of Chloe as anything more then a friend. Beca swore dating off after Jade because Jade broke her. It took forever for Beca to put the pieces back together herself.

"Yes" Chloe said and yanked them off again. She then pulled the blankets all onto the floor; causing Beca to shiver from the instant cold.

"Chloe" Beca whined.

"Beca" Chloe mocked and just jumped on the bed. "Get up!" She yelled. After jumping a bit on the bed and not getting anywhere. Chloe plopped down to lay down; facing Beca.

"What" Beca asked.

"Nothing. You need to get up tho-"

"I don't want to!" Beca growled and just stuffed her face into the pillow.

"We can get coffee" Chloe suggested. Beca's eye peeked up from the pillow.

"That's leav-"

"I will get you coffee and bring it back here" Chloe said. That's when Beca's whole face left the pillow and had a lazy smirk.


"And sweet. I know. Also you want a strawberry frosted donut, with sprinkles" Chloe smiled. It was just a few months, but she knew so much about Beca. She never knew this much about a person so quickly. It all felt amazing to her she had that capability.

"You're the best" Beca lazily said. She just smiled as Chloe got up to get ready. The redhead took the other two girls orders since she was going down to the breakfast area in the hotel.

"Alright! I'll be back ladies" Chloe said as she grabbed the hotel room card and her wallet. She was about to leave, but turned on her heels. "Beca" Chloe said sternly.

"What?" Beca groaned still laying in bed.

"Be ready when I get back. I want to go for a walk-"

"Chloe!" Beca whined.

"Please" Chloe said. She gave Beca those eyes and the brunette could never resist saying no.

"Fine" Beca said. Chloe smiled and skipped out of the hotel room. Beca got up; slowly making her way to the bathroom.

"Holy shit" Cynthia laughed.

"What?" Beca asked.

"Nothing" Cynthia said, but then Amy joined in laughing.

"What?!" Beca turned to face both of them. Her voice picked up a few notches.

"Nothing" Both girls said in unison. Beca just gave up and went into the bathroom. She hated mornings. Why was she even getting ready right now anyway? The bribe of coffee and donut maybe? She could have gotten that herself.


Chloe got to the breakfast area and saw Aubrey sitting alone. Chloe bit her lip and decided to walk over before getting the girls breakfast. She also knew Beca was gonna be years to get ready.

"Hey Aub' " Chloe softly approached. Aubrey looked up, but then down.


"Don't talk okay?" Chloe asked. She sat in front of Aubrey; across the small table. "Listen, you know I love you no matter what right? Gay? Straight? But you cheated-"

"Jade lied. She played me and Beca both. Beca admits to that, she just. She destroyed both of us" Aubrey confirmed finally that Jade destroyed Aubrey. The blonde never owned up to any of the Jade situation, but now she was.

"What do you mean by that?"


"That she destroyed you both?" Chloe asked.

"Beca a little more then me. I got the back hand of it, Beca got the whole hand of it. I met Jade at some party, we hit it off and just went weeks with dating. Then one day I was at her house in her room. Beca walked in. She had this freak out, then just left. Jade told me that she was some crazy ex girlfriend and me being a fucking idiot, I believed it" Aubrey laughed. "I was so stupid-"

"You weren't. I promise you weren't" Chloe said and grabbed Aubrey's hand from across the table.

"So I found out the truth when I was shown Beca's profile. It was them and I just...I felt awful. I couldn't believe I helped cheat you know" Aubrey said. "When Beca found out though, I told her. I met up with her at her old job and told her. She just, she broke in front of me. I...I broke he-"

"You did not. It was Jade. She would not be in this group if it was you" Chloe confirmed. It was true. Beca wouldn't even be in the group if that was true.

"Still, I am such an idiot. I got us both hurt" Aubrey said. Chloe calmed Aubrey down and then after a bit, they talked about Regionals. It was a chaotic previous day/night, but now today would be crazier. Not everyone made amends and they had a contest to win. The Bella's have never been more dysfunctional.

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