Chapter 5

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I followed Amelia to the dance floor. If I'm being totally honest with myself, the only reason I agreed to dance with her is because of jealousy. I was jealous that Janet was there with René. She was his and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Janet deserves better. She deserve me. I was so lost in my thoughts, I hadn't even noticed that she was gone. I skimmed the club quickly not seeing her anywhere. Amelia touched my face bringing my attention to her.

"Are you okay Shawn?" I smiled slightly and then spotted Gil.

"Excuse me for just a second Amelia." Gil was dancing near by, hands on his knees grinding against some guy I'd never seen before.

"Gil have you seen J?" I yelled over the music, making sure he could hear me.

"Last time I checked, she was in VIP."

"Gil she's gone and so is René." He threw his hands in the air. I don't know what he was feeling more, the music or the alcohol. "Gil!"

"Girl calm your tits and half some fun." He pointed over at Amelia, who was still standing in the same spot waiting for me.

"I'm worried about her Gil. Something just feels off."

"Shawn you want to know what's off... the fact you're in love with a married women. Bottom line Shawn, that's her husband. That's who she is choosing. Don't stop your life waiting around for her to notice you." He kissed my cheek and continued dancing. I glanced back over at Amelia and she smiled at me. Maybe Gil was right. I shouldn't put my life on hold for something that may never happen. Looking up, I saw Amelia slowly walking towards me. She brought her lips to my ear.

"Take me home with you Shawn." She whispered, making the hairs on my arms stand at attention. I looked at her and smiled, she clearly had one thing on her mind tonight and I was all for it.

"Let's go."

Shawn's Apartment

Opening the door to my apartment, I allowed Amelia to walk in first

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Opening the door to my apartment, I allowed Amelia to walk in first.

"Damn. If this is the way a back up dancer lives, I want in." She tried it. Funny and sexy is a good combination.

"Very cute. That's Choreographer mama, and let see your moves..." I took a seat on the couch and grabbed the stereo remote. She swayed her hips for me, turning around giving me a wonderful view of her very petite but still perfect ass. I licked my lips.

"Take it off." I told her. She did as told slipping the dress straps off her shoulders, over her breast and hips and letting it fall to a pile on the floor. Amelia shot a sweet smile my way, making me to abort my seriousness to smile back. My phone vibrated in my pocket but I ignored it keeping my eyes on her. She walked towards me and stepped up on the my coffee table.

"Jesus." Slipped from my lips. She was definitely working it out. I felt like I had kept my hands to myself long enough. I stood, picked her up allowing her to wrap her legs around my waste. She gasped gripping my hips tighter.

"You're just full of surprises aren't you."

She was referring to the strap Gil bet me to wear to club. I had forgotten all about but I of course played it off.

"Yeah I am, you never know when there is a space that needs to be filled." She laughed as I laid down on the coffee table. My phone continued buzzing back to back in my pocket. Amelia giggled feeling the vibration against her inner thigh. I tossed it on the couch with out even a glance. She slid my belt slowly through my belt loops and lifted my shirt up over my head throwing over to join her dress in the middle of my living room floor. I kissed her stomach, smelling her sweet perform and damn did she smell amazing. She let out tiny moans as I kissed her through her wet panties. She rest both legs on my shoulders after I slipped her out of the wet lace. She was sweet, like fruit and oh so juicy as it dripped down chin. The sounds of me slurping and sucking at her was enough to make me so fucking wet. She rocked her hips against my tongue and I moaned into her.

"Please don't stop, i wanna cum for you." She her legs gripped around my neck. I watched her face, god she was sexy, mouth open, biting her lips. I wanted to drink every bit of her.

She started cum, shaking as I licked her clean. Our eyes met and she laughed.

"Damn Shawn you know how to work that tongue." She said. "Can you fuck me the same?"

"Try me." I pulled her down to the floor with me. She straddle my waist, slowly lowering herself onto my strap. She moaned deeply gasping for air as I grabbed her hips, lifting my own filling her with all 9 inches. She cried out and enjoyed the ride.

She loved it. Riding me hard and wild, not giving a fuck what she looked like while doing it. She started calling me daddy making my own sex ache terribly. I slid my hand beneath the strap and damn she had me soaking. She noticed my sneaking hand a started to ride me harder. We both moaned loudly she created more friction as she rocked harder and harder against me, her nailed trailing my stomach and arms. As she started to shake, I knew she was gonna. She leaned forward and gripped her ass giving her long and deep strokes. She cried biting into my shoulder hard, sending my own orgasm washing over me. She fell to the floor next to me and gave me a lazy glance.

"Thank you." She said. I glanced back I laughed.

"No thank you." She stood up and found her her dress. I watched at she slipped back into and put her shoes back on. I smiled at her. "What? You don't do sleep overs?"

"Not with someone I just met. What kind of girl do you think I am?" She joked. "But," she continued. "We should definitely do this again some time. Maybe I will even let you by me dinner." I laughed standing to walk her to the door.

"My driver is downstairs waiting on you. He will take you wherever you need to go."

"Fancy." She smiled and licked her her lips noticing I was still sporting the strap. Amelia approached me slowly, dropped to her knees. I moaned watching her lips graze my strap. She took it into her mouth sucking until it was completely clean.

"Mmmm." She moaned releasing from her mouth.

"Damn it's like that?"

"Yeah," Amelia said. "Just like that."

I smirked. "In that case, you missed a spot." I teased licking my lips. She kissed me, tracing my lips with her her and then swirling it into my mouth.

"I think I got it all that time." Amelia blew me a kiss and was gone. I smiled to myself, feeling good but tired. I looked over at my phone buzzing again on the couch. I picked up. I had 13 missed calls from Janet. My stomach felt sick.

There was a voicemail.

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