Chapter 45

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As the water poured over my head, I couldn't help but to ask myself what the fuck I was doing. I'd followed Kelly into the showers for one reason and one reason only, because I could. Kelly is beautiful, intelligent, and so talented, but there is no connection there. My heart belongs to some one else.

She did her best to make small talk while I concentrated on keeping my eyes forward.

Her laugh echoed from behind me. "You're being weird tonight." She said. "You act like we've never showered together before. I mean I know it's been a while but we all used to do this all the time."

"We were girls Kelz. A lot has change since then."

"I can see that." She said. I could feel her eyes on me.

"I'm just trying to be considerate, that's all." I said.

She approached me from behind, grabbed my hand turned me around to face her. "Do me a favor tonight... don't be." She said, smiled and held out her loofah. "Wash my back and I'll wash yours?"

I laughed nervously. "Sure."

Thank god the shower wasn't where she wanted to make her move because thats where our night would've ended. We'd finished getting ready. She looked at me over her shoulder and blushed. "You about ready?"

"Yeah." I modded and sprayed myself a few times with cologne. She turned and looked at me.

"Is that Gendarme?" She asked.

"How'd you know?"

"Are you kidding, its the only cologne Janet will where. I know that smell anywhere. I didn't know you wore it to."

I smiled feeling a bit embarrassed. It was actually Janet's bottle. She'd left it at my place a few times and I'd just kind of taken it over.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." I lied. "Let's go get that drink." I said, quickly changing the subject.

We cleaned up and turned out the lights before locking up the studio. Ever since Kelly had said her name, Janet was all I could think about. I was quiet as we finally headed to our cars. Kelly glanced at me a few times.

"You okay?" She finally asked. I stopped and turned to face her.

"Actually I'm not. There is something that has been on my mind." I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"You and Janet are pretty close, she must have told you about us."

She looked down at her feet and back at me again. "I mean she's told me things but she was married up until recently and now I'm hearing that she's seeing Jermaine Dupree. Can you believe that?" She said.

"She's not seeing him, they hung out once." I said raising my voice a little. I sounded very defensive.

"You're still in love with her..." She said. "After all this time?"

"This is not about me. It's about her. She needs people around her she can trust. You of all people know that and she's been an amazing friend to you. As tempting as it may be, it's just not right Kelz."

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"I know I know, you're right, I don't know what I was thinking." She said. "I'm sorry Shawn." She took my hand and pulled me into a hug. I opened her car door. She got in, started it and let the window down.

"You deserve better than this." She said as she began to pull away. "And that's the last thing I'll say about it, see you tomorrow gorgeous." She said and pulled away. I waved as she disappeared onto the street.

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