Chapter 54

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My nerves were on one for sure now. I didn't know who was about to walk through that door, but the look on Janet's face was definitely making me nervous about it. I sat there waiting for her to return. When she did, she walked back in with Wissam. I'd never meet him in person but I definitely knew who he was.

Her body language was different now. She looked very uneasy. He was carrying a huge bouquet of roses for her. He seemed sort of confused by my presence and I realized that he most likely had no idea who I was. What reason would she have to tell him about me?

So I stood up, feeling the polite thing to do was to greet him as they entered the room. I waited for Janet to say something, but she took a moment, I think to process Wissam and and I being in the same room.

I didn't know where they were with their divorce, I'd only heard rumors. I wasn't there to judge her or assume anything. But I was beginning to feel very territorial and I tried quickly to check myself.

"Wissam," Janet finally spoke. "This is Shawnette Heard." She said and smiled sweetly in my direction. "Gifted choreographer and a really good friend of mine. We shared the stage for almost half my life."

I smiled proudly. Her words had put me at ease and I felt comfortable enough to approach him and extend my hand to shake his.

He just looked at me for a moment, smiled slightly and nodded. He didn't even speak to me. He brought his attention back to Janet.

"Is your visit with your friend going to be over soon? I'd like to spend time with you before I have to go out of town again. The nanny emailed me. Our son misses his mother." He said and sat the roses down on the chair next to him.

"He misses his father too. I asked her when was the last time you FaceTimed or even called him and she said it's been nearly a week, on top of being gone for weeks at a time Wissam?"

"What part of, I have to work, do you not understand?" He said slightly raising his voice before glancing at me quickly and remembering that I was still standing there.

"And what do you call what I'm doing? I maybe away a lot but I see my baby every single day. Even if it's just over FaceTime. Everyday Wissam." She said glaring at him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she looked at me. "Shawn," She said.

I felt like I knew what she was going to say, so I spoke first. "I think I'm gonna go. I know you have an early flight. It was really nice catching up with you." I said. Wissam's eyes were on me now. I could tell he was trying to figure me out.

Oh now you see me? I thought as I grabbed my stained shirt and shoes. I walked towards them I glanced down at the loosely wrapped and shook my head. I grabbed one rose from the bunch. Naturally the lyrics to one of Janet's songs made its way into my mind.

"Send me two dozen roses, I think that's beautiful, but a single rose is so romantic." I recited, handed it to Janet and looked at Wissam. "Her words, you should pay more attention. Enjoy your night." I said and walked away.

My heart was pounding. I had been completely out of line and I didn't want to cause any trouble for her. Regret was hanging over my head as I walked towards the door. Footsteps forced me to stop and turn around to see who was trailing me.

"Shawn wait." Janet said as she stopped in front of me. She shook her head. "I don't want you to go. I'll get him to leave, just please stay. I want more time with you before I have to go." She said as reached out and took me by the hand.

"You sure?" I asked. She nodded and I smiled with relief. I just automatically assumed she wanted me to go. Holding my hand tight, she walked me back into the living room with her. Wissam was still standing in the same spot. Janet looked at me and at him again.

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