Chapter 10

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Leaving the doctor gave me peace at mind. My ribs were intact but the pain was going to take some time subside. He recommended that I take a few weeks off to heal. I quickly let him know that was not an option. He still managed to shut that down after explaining all the risks. I finally agreed and quickly sent out the memo that we have to hold off on finalizing the dates and cities.

Preston helped me into the car. Shawn was waiting , flowers in her hand.

"Sup beautiful."

"Hi." I smiled and blushed. She was always so sweet to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I caught a cab. I thought it might be nice to see a friendly face leaving the doctor's office. How did everything go?"

"Good," I smiled. "I'm okay, but I'm bummed about having to push the tour out further. You all have been working so hard."

"I got the text T, you okay?"

"I tried to argue but doctors orders, so i have to be okay with it I guess." I looked down at my phone. Rene had been calling me all day. The house was wrecked when I left. I'm sure he didn't remember much after waking up. I just continued to ignore his calls. I looked over at Shawn. The way she looked at me sometimes made my legs feel like jello. "What is it?"

"Nothing, you're just... I don't know."

"I'm what Shawn?"

"You're everything." She looked away for a moment. Her FaceTime started to go off. She answered.

"Bitch 3 weeks off, we are drinking this morning. Mimosas are calling my name!" Gil said. Shawn looked over at me.

"You down?"

"Sure why not."

We made it to the restaurant and Gil was already waiting outside

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We made it to the restaurant and Gil was already waiting outside. He hugged me tight. A little too tight.

"I'm sorry babe, I totally forgot. How are you feeling?" He ask and held the door for Shawn and I.


I watched silently as Gil and Janet chatted back and forth. I really loved them as friends. They are so lucky to have each other. I sipped my drink and looked out the window only for Amelia to catch catch my gaze as she walked past. She noticed me, smiled and waved. Janet looked over at me and then over at Amelia as she walked through the door of the cafe. Gil sipped his drink and remained quiet.

"It's nice to see you again Ms. Jackson." She said holding her hand out.

"You too, I'm sorry. I don't remember your name." Janet said. Gil cut his eyes at her.

"Amelia." She said with a sweet smile.

"That's right I'm so sorry. It's nice to see you again Amelia."

Amelia glanced over at Shawn and smiled. "Hey you." She said. "Could I steal you away for a moment?"

Shawn looked over at Janet. She wouldn't make eye contact. She stared at the glass in front of her. Shawn stood up and took Amelia's hand leading her back outside.


I watched them from the window, trying not to be too obvious. "What do you think she saying to her Gil?" I asked, my eyes glued to them.

"Why do you care?" He asked, I quickly glanced his way. "Is she yours?" He shrugged.

I was a little hurt by his words. "Well no but-"

"But what Dunk?" He paused. "Listen, you know how much I love you, but watching her wait around for you has been heart breaking. You have to admit it's kind of unfair." I remained silent. His ass was always trying to read somebody... but he had a point. It's not fair for Shawn to wait around for me. That didn't  mean that I'm ready to throw in towel. I glanced back at the window as Amelia leaned to kiss her. She touched her face and walked away. Shawn looked at me through the glass and I quickly glanced away trying to blink away my tears.

"What was that all about?" Gil asked.

"She just wants to see me again. I told her that I just needed a little time to think about it. She was cool with that."

I cleared my throat. "You should go out and have some fun. I can take care of myself while you're out. Besides, I have Gil."

He snapped his neck my way. "Bitch how do you know I don't have plans?"

"Do you?" I asked cutting my eyes at him.

"No but don't just go assuming bitch." Gil and I both laughed. Shawn did not. She looked at me and I did my best to avoid eye contact.

Our food finally came to the table. We were all quiet for the most part. Shawn didn't really eat, she just pushed her food around on her plate with her fork. She looked like she wanted to say something. I could see it slowly coming to the forefront. She dropped fork down on to her plate.

"Why do you want me to go out with Amelia?" She finally asked. Gil almost spit his last sip of mimosa out.

I looked around. "Shawn this is not the time or place."

"You keep pulling me in then pushing me away Janet. Just when I think I have you figured out, you surprise me all over again." She stood up, threw her money on the table and walked out. Gil looked over at Janet feeling a bit guilty.

"I'll go talk to her." I rested my head in my hands. I didn't know what I was doing anymore. The more I felt for her the more conflicted and confused I was becoming. I watched Gil as he caught up to her across the street. I wondered what he was saying to her.

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