Chapter 50

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"How'd it go?" Amelia asked before I could even close the front door. She walked over to me and helped me out of my jacket, then kissed me.

"Good." I said. "The show was amazing but I didn't expect anything less. I saw all my old friends. It was pretty dope. I'm tired though. I forgot how much concerts take out of you." I said and headed for the bedroom. She was right behind me. I could feel her stare as I undressed and got comfortable. I sat down on the bed to slip into a pair of socks and glanced up at her.

"What up baby?" I stood to meet her gaze.

"Did you see her?"  She asked.

"Did I see who?" I responded and headed for the kitchen. "I'm starving baby." I said over my shoulder and opened the refrigerator.

"Dinner is in the oven." She said. "You never answered my question, did you see Janet tonight?"

"Baby it was a Janet Jackson concert." I responded. "So yes, I saw her." I said and took a bite of food.

"You know what I mean Shawnette." She said raising her voice at me.

"Why does it matter whether or not I saw her? We've talked about this before. You don't trust me." I said sitting my plate down.

"Its not a matter of trusting you Shawn, I don't trust her." She said.

"You don't know her." I said defensively.

"Neither do you anymore! Last time I checked I'm your wife and I should be able to be honest with you about how I feel." She said. "We promised that we'd never lie to each other Shawnette and I'm starting to feel like you're trying to avoid answering my question."

I hung my head. "Because I know you'll get mad."

"Try me." She said, folded her arms and leaned against the counter.

"Yes, I saw her tonight." I confessed.

"So what? Did you go back stage? Did you meet her in her dressing room, were you alone?" She started throwing out questions at me. I held my hands up.

"Baby, breathe, for a second and let me answer." I said calmly. She took a deep breath and nodded. "I did go backstage, where I saw her briefly before she had to go on stage, but once I got to the hotel..."

"Hotel?" She snapped. "See! That's why I didn't want you to go to that fucking concert!" She yelled.

I pulled out my phone. To show her the group text from Gil. "Neither of us knew babe. He asked me to meet him at his room but gave me his copy of Janet's room key. She was just as surprised as I was Amelia."  I turned and walked away leaving my food on the counter.

"That doesn't make me feel any better about you being alone with her!" She yelled at the back of my head as she followed me into the living room. I stopped and turned to face her. She looked so angry.

"Nothing happened. You know me better than this by now. We caught up and then I told her that I promise my wife I wouldn't stay out late and that I had to go." I said.

Her eyes softened . "You told her about us?" She asked.

I stepped in closer to her. "Honey, of course I did. Why would you think I'd want to keep it a secret. You're my world. You know this." She hugged me tight and laid her head against my chest.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"It's okay. We're good baby."

We got comfortable on the couch and talked for awhile. Amelia yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

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