Chapter 44

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(Gil's Place)

I laid down across the couch and rested my eyes for a second

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I laid down across the couch and rested my eyes for a second. I could hear Gil moving all around me. He left the room for a moment and then came jogging back in.

The loud pop of a cork startled me and I looked up to see him holding a bottle of champagne.

"Shall we?"

"Yes please." I said as he poured our drinks and took a seat on the coffee table in front of me. He looked at me for a moment. His eyes looked sad.

"What babe? Why do you have to look at me that way?" I asked.

"We never hang out anymore Dunk." He finally said. I sat up to meet his gaze.

"Are you kidding, Gil we see each other all the time."

He smacked his lips. "Bitch thats called working." He said. "We used to talk. You use to tell me everything and now I feel like I don't know what the hell you've got going on these days." He waited for my response.

"You and Shawn have gotten really close and I know that you love her a lot. So I've been kind of distancing myself just. If things don't end well for us, I don't want you to be caught in the middle." That was my very poor attempt to explain to him how I felt.

He smacked his lips. "Bullshit. You know where my loyalty lies, she trust me just like you do but I would never break your confidence for anyone, for any reason." He glanced at me.

"I know you and Shawn have the same relationship Gil. I'm sure there are things you know that I don't,"

"Dunk, I..." He started to say. I really looked at him for a moment. He really did look sad.

"Shh Gil, don't. I'm okay with it, really." I said, trying to stop him before he said something he might regret. "She deserves a friend like you just as much as I do. But trust me when I say that I'm doing this to protect our friendship, not hurt it." I said.

"Well I don't want it." He said and stood to his feet. "Clean slate right now. I need to come clean about something."

I sat up on the edge of the couch and finished off my glass of champagne. I looked at him and shook my head.

"This is not a good idea. I don't want you to break any confidence that you and Shawn have. I don't want to further screw things up with she and I."

"Good because its you who keeps messing it up:"

I laughed. "Come again?"

"It's true but we will get to that part soon enough." He said as he began to pace. "I have hyped myself up to do this, and my head is going to fucking explode if I don't get it out." He was on the verge of tears.

"Babe whats wrong?" I was starting to get worried. I put my hands up. "Breathe and tell me what's going on."

"Can I just say that I love you, I do, but you have had Shawnette jumping through all kinds of emotional hoops for you and I think she is at her max. I know that you say you love her but if you don't get better at showing it, because you are this close to losing her."

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