Chapter 56

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I took a step backwards and blinked a few times. The room was starting to spin. Amelia noticed that I was unsteady and rushed to my aid by helping me sit down on the bed. She sat close to me.

"Relax baby, this is amazing news. 6 years of trying and our baby is finally on the way." She said but I remained silent as I did my best to process what she was telling me. Saying I was in complete shock was an understatement. We had been trying for so long that I had lost hope that it was even possible for me.

I stood up slowly. Okay Shawn, this is cool. I said to myself and took a deep breath. You're okay. It's going to be okay. Another deep breath, but my chest was getting tighter. Calm. I closed my eyes, trying to shut myself off from everything around me. I took one last long deep breath then I looked at Amelia.

"I have to go." I said, grabbed my bag and quickly headed for the stairs. She was right behind me and stopped me at the door.

"Where were you last night?" She asked again. I reached for the door and opened it only to have her slam it shut. "Tell me the truth!" She yelled.

"You wanna talk about truth Amelia? If you would've told me the truth from the beginning, it would've saved me all the time I've wasted with you." I said. "Now may I leave please?"

Amelia shook her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. I thought she would speak again but she didn't. Instead she opened the door and stepped to the side. Preston was standing outside the car, still waiting like he'd promised. I hugged my bag to my chest and walked away without looking back.

As I approached Preston, he had a concerned look in his eyes.

"Everything okay?" He said and looked back towards the house where Amelia was standing at the door. I nodded and got inside the car.

As he pulled away, my phone buzzed. Another message from Amelia.

Amelia: Trust me when I say this is not over. We will have a talk about OUR child. Even if lawyers have to be present.

I threw my phone in the seat next to me and let my head fall into my hands as I began to sob. Preston pulled the car over in the parking lot of a near by gas station. He got into the back seat with me and held me as I cried. I'd become very overwhelmed and he stayed with me until I was able to calm myself again.

He looked over at my bag on the seat next to me. A few of my things had fallen out. He reached over and picked up my passport.

"Planning a trip?" He asked. "May I?" I nodded giving him the go ahead to flip through the pages. "Well traveled I see. Did you know if expires tomorrow?" He said. I glanced at him.

"I know."

"Where ever you go, you'd have to return tomorrow." He said.

"I know." I said and looked at him. "How fast can you get me to the airport?" I asked.

Preston looked at me and smiled. "I got this." He said.



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