Chapter 32

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The walk back to the elevator was a lonely one as I began to realize that I may have over reacted just a little bit. I could still hear the girls having a great time just down the hall and I wanted to go back and join them but it was too late. My pride wouldn't allow me to walk back into that room.

I leaned back against the wall and waited for the elevator to reach me. Gil peeked around the corner and shook his head.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not in the mood Gil." I said putting my hand up.

"Shawn why are you playing these games? Just tell her how you feel and end things with Amelia before it's too late." He said.

I glanced at him. "Don't come out here trying to give me advice on what to do, when all you do ride the fence." I said. "One minute your on my side and the next, you're siding with Janet."

He looked offended and held his hand to his chest. "Are you serious? I have been nothing but supportive of you two from the very beginning of all of this, but y'all bitches keep fucking it up." He said loudly.

"Whatever man." I said, looked away and pressed the elevator buttons a few more times and then hit the wall in frustration and it finally opened. A guy stepped out, looked at us and smiled.

"Sup, I'm looking for the party

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"Sup, I'm looking for the party." He said.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Oh yes, right this way." Gil said, pointing him down the hall.

"Thank you." He said and smiled as he headed for Janet's room. Gil about broke his neck trying to watch him walk down the hallway.

"Teresa thought it would be fun to have a dancer tonight. You coming?" Gil said as he continued watched the young man until he disappear into the room. The girls could already be heard as they started getting rowdy. "Please stay Shawn. You know this is not Janet's thing anyway. You two can talk while we enjoy the festivities." He said and smiled.

"I'm gonna pass man. Sorry for kinda being a bitch tonight. I hope you guys have fun." I said and stepped on the elevator.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Sitting up, I grabbed my aching head and picked up my phone. Amelia had called and text me. I looked over at the finished bottle of wine.

"Fuck." I said, not realizing I'd finished it off. I was up a couple of hours before I needed to be and the sun still hadn't come up yet. I went ahead and got cleaned up and threw on some sweats. I needed to talk to Janet before we headed to the stadium today. I needed to apologize and tell her the truth.

As I got out of the elevator on her floor, I heard voices coming from around the corner. I peeked to see Janet and the man from last night. He was leaning against the door smiling at her. She stood there in nothing but a sheet wrapped around her.

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