Chapter 7

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Janet was quiet for a moment. Only the sounds of the water and painful groans filled the silence. She didn't say much and neither did I. I didn't want to pressure her, so I let her lead the conversation.

"I was jealous tonight Shawn." I turned my head towards her voice.

"Jealous of what J?"

"Of that woman and I'm not sure why... The way she looked at you, smiling and batting her eyeslashes... the way she pressed herself against you while you danced. I was jealous." I turned around to look back at her, she hesitated but her eyes met mine.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you even cared."

"Well I do but I know I don't have the right to." She continued. "I couldn't stand it anymore, watching you with her. I just needed to get out of there tonight so I had Preston come and get us." I hugged my knees against my chest. She cleared her throat looking back at her hands. That was the first time I noticed tiny cuts on them. "Preston had to help me get him inside because he was so drunk. We laid him on the couch and I was sure he was just going to pass out for the night. After Preston left, I went into the kitchen to get René some water and aspirin for him to have when he wakes up. I was just going to let him sleep it off on the couch..." She paused, shivering a bit.

"You cold." I asked. She smiled slightly and nodded. "Let me get you out of there then. Can't be the one to get the boss sick." I turned around to give her privacy as she dried off and got into the bath robe. "Ready?"

"Yes, thank you." She wrapped her arms around my neck and caressed my hair. "Thank you." She said as I picked her up into my arms and carried her back to the bed.

"I need to get you some bandages and something to clean those cuts on your hands." I brought my first aid kit and pull the chair from desk over to her. She put her hand in mine, she wasn't going to need stitches but she might definitely have a few scars. "What happened to your hand?" I asked dabbing her cut with an alcohol soaked cotton ball.

"Shit!" She gasped.

"Sorry I know it stings." I brought my lips close to her asking and blew. Her free hand found its way into my hair for a moment until I lifted my head to meet her gaze only for her to look away again.

She continued. "When I walked back into the living room René was sitting up on the couch, head in his hands. I asked if he was okay and tried to hand him the water and pills. He looked at and smiled, grabbed me by the arm and forced me to spill the water all over the both of us. He grabbed me Shawn, and he pulled me down onto the couch and climbed on top of me." Tears fell from her eyes. "I tried to push him off. I begged him to stop put he wouldn't. I uh, I managed to roll us onto the floor but I tried to run, he grabbed me by the foot and I lost my balance and fell. I hit my side against end table. The lamp fell and shattered." She glanced at her hands and looked back at me. "I screamed out in pain. He didn't even care that I was hurt." She whimpered.

I finished wrapping her hand. She stood up feet and began pace.

"He grabbed my ankles trying to pull me to him. I still don't know how I got out of his grip, but I did, so I ran for the stairs." She covered her face for a moment, "I um... I ran straight for my bathroom, locked the door and hid in the closet. I thought I'd left my phone in my purse but it vibrated in my bra. When I looked at it, it was you and I answered. I was calling your name, yelling for you but I all I could hear was you... and her."

My heart dropped. I must've dialed her accidentally. I wanted to die at the very moment. "Janet I-"

"Shawn please, you don't owe me any kind of explanation." She continued. "After hanging up, I tried calling you over and over and Gil many times. I figured your phone had to be close but I kept getting the voicemail... finally as I was leaving a message I heard him come in."

Janet reclaimed her spot on the edge of the bed. Tears pouring from her eyes. "All of a sudden I heard this crashing sound." She looked at me. "He was trying to kick the door in and he eventually succeeded. I tried to be quiet. Trying not to breath but there was no where for me to go." She rocked back in forth as the memories flooded over her. "I tried to fight him." She said now sobbing. "He dragged me out of the closet by my ankles and got on top me, slapping my face multiple times. No matter how much I screamed and begged, he just wouldn't stop." She was shaking. "
He ripped my underwear, forcing his hand between my legs getting his blood all over me. He was so strong. I couldn't stop him from forcing my legs apart. I begged for him to stop, but he wouldn't stop Shawn." She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face in my shoulder. She went limp in my arms and I held her steady.

"Let's get you in the bed. It almost 5am and you must be exhausted. We need to call your doctor today." I said as I helped her into my bed. She gazed at me with sleepy eyes.

"Okay." Was all she said and her eyes drifted closed. I kissed her bandaged hand and pulled the covers over her.

"I'll be right in the living room on the couch." She nodded not even opening her eyes this time.

I grabbed an extra blanket and stretched out on the couch. I couldn't sleep. Everything Janet has said to me replayed in my mind over and over. I sat up startled but a knock my door. I peeked in on Janet, and then quickly went to the door and opened it. Gil stormed in frantic.

"Bitch grab your bat and sneakers and lets roll!!! Something is wrong! I plugged my phone and Janet has called me a million times!"

"Shhhhhh Gil!" He was clearly still a little drunk. I pointed towards my room.

 I pointed towards my room

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"I went and got her." I whispered.

"Oh thank god," he said. He was so relieved tears were falling. "I fucking let my phone die tryna be all up in some dude's face. I thought something bad had happened. I thought she might be hurt." I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and walked him over to the couch and told him everything.

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. This is her life Gil. So the next move is hers to make but I'm gonna ask her to stay here, at my place. I can get a hotel or something. She doesn't need to be there with that motherfucker." The imagine of him flashed in my mind. "I thought I was gonna kill him. He was laying, there passed out on the bed, bloody, boxers halfway on. I wanted to take the lamp next to him and smash his fucking head in."

"Well bitch what stopped you?" He asked.

I looked at him. "Janet."

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