Chapter 41

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After Gil went into beast most and managed to keep up with Shawn in the LA traffic we pulled into a grocery store and parked. We watched her go in  and waited in the parking lot.

"I can see it now..." Gil whispered. "Janet Jackson, Diva turned stalker." He said dramatically and started to laugh.

"Shut up, we're not stalking her, we're just spying on her a little bit." I said, trying to make myself feel better.

"We is too many people." He said and then screamed at a tap on his window.

I'd texted Preston and had him meet us there with food. Gil rolled down the window and grabbed the bag.

"I'm not even going to ask why you guys are having fast food in the parking lot of a grocery store." Preston said giving us an odd look.

"Shh!" I said putting my finger to my lips. "You never saw us tonight."

Preston laughed. "Just be careful please." He said, tipped his hat and walked away.

About fifteen minutes had passed and still no sign of Shawn. All kind of  thoughts we're going through my mind. Maybe she was inside buying dinner for a date tonight. I glanced at Gil, he was cutting his eyes at me.

"What Gil?" I laughed. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You said we could get food."

"We did."

"Don't nobody want no damn McDonalds French fries Damita."

I started to laugh. "It's just a snack, I promise to get you real food but this was the best I could do for our little stake out." I glanced in front of me. "There she is."

We watched as she walked back to her car carrying a few bags.

"What do you think she bought?" Gil asked.

"Probably dinner for her new girlfriend." I said sitting back hard in my seat and folding my arms.

"Think it's Amelia?" He said. I scoffed and turned my nose up at him. "I'm just saying, the bitch keeps poppin up."

"Come on, she leaving."

It was long before we pulled into Shawn's building. She'd already gone upstairs and Gil and I sat staring at each other in his car.

"What now?" He asked.

"I don't know, I didn't think that far ahead." I said.

"I mean what are we suppose to do, go up there and knock on the door?" He said.

"Let's just go up there and see what happens?" I said opening my car door.

"This is such a bad idea." Gil said and followed.

We got off the elevator on Shawn's floor. The hallway dark and except for the light next to Shawn's door at the end of the hall. As we stepped off he door opened immediately and she walked out with a girl.

Gil gasped catching Shawn's attention as she looked down the hall towards us.

"Ja-" Shawn started to say, I back up into a dark corner before the girl could see me. "Gil what are doing here?" She finally said.

"Gil?" The girl said. "As in the Gil?" She asked.

She started to head in Gil's direction but he met her in the middle making sure she didn't get close enough to see me standing in the shadows. Smart kid.

She extended her hand and Gil shook it.

"I'm Dani. I dance at the studio Shawn teaches at sometimes. It's very cool to meet you." She said. She looked back at Shawn. "I have to get going. Give Kaz my love and tell her I will see her tomorrow." She said.

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