Chapter 49

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Walking away from Janet was hard but it was what I felt needed to be done. There was never a day that passed that I didn't regret my choice to leave.

I saw her once a few years after I had moved. It was an industry party that I was sure she'd never go to but I had forgotten all about JD. They walked in hand and hand. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

I finally talked myself into approaching her to say hi, but as soon as I was within reach Jermaine grabbed her up, bringing a flock of people with him making it hard to even get within feet of her

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I finally talked myself into approaching her to say hi, but as soon as I was within reach Jermaine grabbed her up, bringing a flock of people with him making it hard to even get within feet of her. So I stayed in my corner and tried to remain hidden. It was hard seeing her with him, but she looked happy. She was glowing. It was all I needed to see.

My love for her never stopped and neither did my support for her art. It somehow made me feel like I was still close to her. Anyone who knows Janet knows that all her emotions and feelings are in the words she sings. So I kept listening. Her music is how I felt her and I hoped deep down inside, she could feel me too.

As more time past, things got easier. I continued my work as a choreographer and opened my dance studio and finally I was able to allow myself to fall in love again. So imagine how it felt after 17 years to receive a text from Gil, in the middle of the night while laying in bed with my wife.

She was not excited about the idea of my working so closely with Janet again, considering our long history, but after a very long talk, we came to an agreement. I would attend the concert, so I could see all of my old friends but I wasn't going to stay for any later festivities. I gave it a lot of thought and I was good with it.

The Concert

The arena was packed. A third row seat had my adrenaline pumping and the energy in the room was nothing short of amazing. I gazed around at the many different faces, some that I'd probably seen before. As the show began the crowd erupted.

So many memories began flood trough me as I looked on in awe

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So many memories began flood trough me as I looked on in awe. It was becoming a bit overwhelming and I felt tears swell in my eyes. I'd missed out on a lot when I left. But I quickly put those thoughts to the back of my mind and enjoyed the show.

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