Chapter 23

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Shawn's Apartment

Shawn's Apartment

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They stood there, in the middle of my living room bickering like young girls. It was actually really funny and kind of cute. I'd only met Rebbie once, in passing but now that I was seeing her up close and personal...

"Wow, I've never noticed just how much you guys loo-"

"We know!" They snapped in unison. I did my best not to laugh and as much as I wanted to stick around, I knew they needed some privacy.

"You know what?" I said. "No one has to go any where. Dinner is ready and still warm. There is a of bottle of champagne chilling on ice and another in the fridge. Ya'll clearly need to talk, so I'll leave." I realized that I was still holding the gifts and sat them down on the coffee table. "I just need a minute to get some decent clothes on." I headed into the bedroom.

"Damn it Rebbie." Janet said and followed. "Shawn this is not at all what I want right now." She said following me into the closet.

I slipped into a pair of pants and a T-shirt, turned and looked at her. "She obviously really needs to speak with you if she came here just to find you. She's seems worried."

Janet pressed herself against me and smirked. "What about my love? My need? Baby I have this... aching inside of me that only you can soothe Shawn."

I gulped hard. The effect this woman has on me is insanity. "Can you please stop being nasty before your sister comes in here and take off her belt on both our asses." I said jokingly. I grabbed my shoes and took a seat at the edge of my bed.

We both glanced up to see Rebbie walk past my bedroom with a plate of food in her hand as she looked around the apartment. I shook my head and laughed. Janet stood in front of me glaring. I looked up at her. "Why are you looking at me like that J?"

"I'm so glad this is funny to you Shawnette."
She said and folded her arms. I stood up.

"Look, I don't mean to laugh, it's just cute seeing you as baby sis. I've seen this mega star, the boss and even you as the girlfriend, but this is something new and I like it."

She flashed an amazing smile at me and blushed. "Are you calling me your girl?"

"We can talk about that later, but right now you're gonna go talk to Rebbie." I said smacking her on the butt. "I'm gonna go sneak up on Gil and pray he doesn't have a guy over."

"At least someone will be getting some tonight." She said pouting and followed me out into the living room .

Rebbie had taken a seat on the couch And seemed pretty comfortable. I smiled. "Any good?"

"It's really good thank you. Did you make this, because I know my baby sis didn't. She is so talented, just a jack of all trades but she cannot  cook."

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