Chapter 31

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I looked myself over in the mirror one more time growing frustrated with the faint bags underneath my eyes.

"I need to at least look like I have a pulse tonight." I said. The door to my dressing room opened and Gil ran in out of breath. I shot my head in his direction. "Gil!" I laughed. "You can't be in here right now! You need to be in place when the music starts."

"I know I know, I'm sorry. I just had to come see you before we went on. I wanted to tell you that I love you and to say that I really appreciate you believing in me. I'm about to slay this fuckin stage!" He said throwing his hands up.

We'd only seen each other briefly at the airport the day before. I was boarding the flight first when he saw me and shot me a heart with his hands before joining the rest of the kids.

"You are one of my favorite people in the whole world and I love you too beautiful, but I need you ready. Okay?" I said and started to apply more make up.

He came, stood next to me and slapped my hand. "Girl stop covering up what God gave you. You're putting on too much! You really need to let me get my cousin Preston up in here. He will Beat That Face, do you hear me?" He said and snapped a few times.

"I already have a Preston, besides the Gil I have is a hand full already." I joked. "Now go finish getting ready please. I don't wanna have to fire you at your first show."

"If you do, you betta keep me as the bestie bitch." He said, kissed me and walked out of the room.

"How old is he again?" Joey asked. He was waiting for me by the door.

"He's 18." I said.

Joey shook his head. "Somebody's lying."

"Hush Joey. He has no reason to lie." I turned to face him. "How do I look?"

He smiled and held out his hand. "You look ready. Now let's get you on that stage."

The First Show

I was in my zone and the crowd was feeding the excitement growing inside of me

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I was in my zone and the crowd was feeding the excitement growing inside of me. For just a moment I'd forgotten about everything negative. And as the crowd chanted my name and screamed I took it all in.

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