Chapter 38

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"Is this a thing for you?" Janet asked, rolling her neck and pushing off major attitude towards Amelia.

"Excuse me?" Amelia responded.

"It's just starting to seem like you have a real problem with inserting yourself where you don't belong." She said walking right up to her and standing in her face. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police on your ass right now."

"J let me handle this." I said, standing close behind them.

"No baby, because I'm curious to know what she has to say." She said.

Amelia glared at her for a moment and then smiled. For a second I thought Janet might slap the smile right off her face. Amelia shrugged. "Go ahead, call them." She held up a set of keys. "I used the key that was given to me to get in." She said and flinched as Janet quickly snatched them from her hand.

"Thank you," Janet said. "Now that you've returned our keys, you can leave." They stood eye to eye, as the tension thickened by the second. My chest was tight and I felt like I might have to play referee at any moment.

Amelia looked passed her and at me.

"She speaks for you know Shawnette?" She asked. "You're like a well trained puppy." She said and laughed. "I knew she had you sprung but fuck." She was beginning to mock me and I could feel my own anger and irritation growing in the pit of my stomach.

"I speak for my damn self." I said stepping in between them. "And as for being sprung..." I looked back at Janet, licked my lips and shook my head. "Can you really blame me?" I said and met Amelia's gaze again. Janet looked at her with raised brows and smirked.

Before I could react, Amelia raised her hand and hit me across the face, slapping me hard and firm. Janet jumped in her direction. I scooped her into my arms and held on to her tight while she yelled for me to let her go. I could tell by the look on Amelia's face that she was just as surprised at own her reaction as I was.

Her eyes went soft and tears swelled in them. Once Janet stop resisting me and calmed I let her go.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Janet yelled.

"I came to get my things." Amelia said.

"Is that all?" Janet said and walked over to the storage closet near the front door. We had packed what she'd left behind the same day we returned home. Janet pulled out an open box filled with Amelia's things and threw it at her feet. "You have your things, now leave."

Amelia scooped the box into her arms and without looking at either of us, walked out of the door.

I found myself feeling a bit guilty. She'd definitely over stepped her boundaries but I had lead her on. I couldn't help but to blame myself for this. I glanced at Janet. She was furiously pacing back and forth. As she began to ramble.

"We are changing the locks tonight! She is crazy."

"Baby, stop for s second." I said reaching out and grabbing her hand. She turned to look at me. "I have to go talk to her."

"What? Baby no! She just hit you. You're not going out there." Janet said. "She's obviously fucking nuts."

"That's  why I think I need to go talk to her J. She is mad and hurt, that's a bad combination. I need to make this right before she does something else crazy. Besides I provoked her just now."

"Yeah, after she called you a trained dog."

"Well she did get one thing right, I do got it pretty bad for you." I said and kissed her.

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