Chapter 55

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We laid in our own wetness for a while. Shawn kissed the tips of my fingers, while I rubbed my legs against hers. I traced the lines on the palm of her hand before kissing it gently.

I glanced disappointingly at the window. The sun was starting to ride. I rested my head against her chest and closed my eyes as I listened to her heartbeat. I didn't want this to end but time was against me.

Shawn's arms tightened around me and I melted into her. It was as if she could hear my thoughts. She still hadn't said anything but I was okay with that for now. I knew we would talk when she was ready. So we just laid there in silence as she gently rubbed my back until my eyes drifted close.

 So we just laid there in silence as she gently rubbed my back until my eyes drifted close

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I didn't realized that I'd fallen asleep until there was a loud knock on the room door. Shawn and I both woke in a panic as the door opened. Foot steps were approaching fast and getting closer as we scattered around the room trying to gather all our clothes and cover up.

Gil walked in and let out a high pitch squeal.

"Bitch, y'all don't waste no time honey?" He said. He leaned against the door frame, shaking his head with his arms folded.

"What time is it?" I asked, as I headed for the restroom with a sheet covering me. Shawn was back in her boxers and bra when I returned in a robe.

"Relax," Gil said. "I knew you'd be up late so I'm here early to make sure you're on schedule."

I looked at the time on my phone. "Thank God." I said throwing my pair of jeans in his direction, which he dodged with no problem. "You didn't even give me time to answer the door nosy. Could you have breakfast sent up please?" I asked.

"Didn't you already eat?" He said and wagged his tongue out me.

Shawn laughed. "Would you get your trashy ass outta here, so we can get dressed Gil." He popped his tongue and walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I glanced at Shawn. She shook her head and laughed again.

"It's nice to see you smile. You hadn't said much since we talked." So much for leaving it alone J, damn. I said to myself. I walked into the restroom to start the shower, Shawn was right behind me.

"I need to go." She said. I turned to face her, tucked my hair being my ears and stood there arms folded. She could barely look at me. I wasn't mad, just a little sad that she needed to leave so soon but I nodded. "Okay, did you want to freshen up and at least have something to eat before you go?" I asked.

"Freshen up yes, but I will just grab food on the way. Im not very hungry at the moment." She said.

I tried to refrain from asking any further questions. Don't push J, let her go whichever way the wind takes her. I told myself.

"Okay, well you can have the shower first. My food will be here soon anyway."

"Are you sure?" Shawn asked.

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