Chapter 34

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As I shifted and turned in the bed, I opened my eyes to see Shawn staring back at me. Her smile was enough to brighten even the darkest night. She put her fingers to my lips and traced them gently.

"If I could wake up next you every single day for the rest of my life, I'd be good with that." She said.

She had a way of making me feel like I was the only thing in the world that matters. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. Her body felt so warm next to mine. "I gotta go baby." She said and try to pull away but I hugged her neck tighter. "I need to hurry up and get back in bed before daybreak." Shawn said, kissing my neck a few times. I finally let her go and she looked down at me in the moonlight and smiled. "Go back to sleep. I'll come see you before we head to the venue. I promise." I nodded, blew her a kiss and pulled the covers over myself.

There was no need for my alarm clock because the sun did the job. I headed down stairs and waited for my breakfast to arrive.

After my food was brought in, I grabbed a cup of tea and took in the beautiful view

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After my food was brought in, I grabbed a cup of tea and took in the beautiful view. Chicago was always an amazing place to visit. I had to admit that this was the first show I was pretty excited about. My door opened and I turned to see Shawn's smiling face walking towards me.

I sat my cup down and ran into her arms, burying my face in her neck as I took in her scent. Grabbing her hand, I motioned for her to have a seat. I fidgeted with my fingers for a moment and then took a deep breath.

"I need to say something." I said. Shawn looked at me curiously. "First I need to apologize. I've always known how you felt about me. Yes, I did like the attention but I had no right to play with your emotions."

Shawn stood up. "Boo wait, you don't have to say this."

I put my hands up. "Please, I need to get this off my chest." Shawn nodded and sat back down. "But I have always loved you. I was just afraid and I'm not perfect. I'm not saying that I want to come out to the world today or tomorrow but I need you to know that you are not just some secret to me Shawnette." I kneeled in front of her. "You're so much more to me than that. You're the woman I love and I am proud of my love for you." I stood up again and paced back and forth. "I feel like my emotions have been all over the place and I was confused as to what I wanted." I looked at her. "But I know that it's you I want Shawn." I said. "I want to be yours."

Shawn stood up and embraced me. She didn't say anything she just hugged me like she never wanted to let go again.

"I got a call from my lawyer today." I looked at her and continued. "Rene and I are officially separated and its just paperwork at this point."

"That's great news babe."

I smiled. "Yeah I'm ready. It's not gonna be easy. My lawyer says he wants money. A lot of money."

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